Chapter 2

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Cara's POV:

I walked into 6th period and sat down at my usual desk in the back next to Mia.

Mia has been my best friend since 7th grade, and shes on the cheer team with me. She has brown hair and green eyes, with slight freckles on her nose and cheeks. She is also dating my brothers best friend, so we see eachother a lot.

"I heard we are getting a new student next Monday, I wonder who she is" Mia says, as I take my usual seat next to her.

"I hope she joins the cheer team, we need more people" I say, before fixing my lip gloss using Mia's mirror.

The teacher walks in a few minutes later, closing the door behind her and making her way towards her desk.

"Okay, you can start your test now. Place it on my desk once you are done before leaving." She states.

Im totally gonna fail this test.


"I failed the fucking test!" I yell, causing a few glares to turn my way.

"How? It was literally so easy, what did you get?" Mia asked me as she opened her locker.

"A 32" I mumble, grabbing my backpack from my locker and slamming it shut.

"Shit, you really did fail" She says, flinging her backpack over her shoulder and walking out the exit of the school with me.

We make our way into the parking lot to my car. I throw my backpack into the backseat of my jeep, grabbing out my keys.

"Want a ride?" I ask her. I watch as she also flings her backpack into the backseat along with mine.

"Hey baby" I hear behind us. We both turn around, seeing one of my best friends Ethan, and his best friend Jacob approaching us.

Jacob wraps his hands around Mia, placing sloppy wet kisses all over her neck. She turns around, before placing another messy kiss onto her lips.


I internally cringe at the way he's kissing her. Its so messy and sloppy, almost making me want to throw up.

"Anyways, you guys wanna come over? We just have to get drinks and snacks first" I say, getting into my car.

"Sure, I have my fake ID" Ethan says, getting into the back of the car with Jacob. Mia slides into the passenger seat, before strapping on her seatbelt.

The drive to the gas station is only a few minutes, but feels like hours with my annoying best friend in the car. All different types of music has been blasting for the past 10 minutes, all being played by Mia.

I pulled into the gas station just before another dumb song by Mia gets played. Thank god.

"Ill get drinks, you guys get snacks" Ethan says, opening the door as we all walk into the gas station.

I quickly made my way with Mia into the snacks isle, practically grabbing everything there. We grabbed a few party sized bag of chips and some sodas.

"Ew. Cara, theres throw up flavored vodka." Mia says, scrunching up her face in disgust looking at the bottle.

We both simultaneously looked at eachother, before giving a little grin and grabbing two little bottles of the throw up flavored vodka.

We made our way up to the cashier, dropping everything in our hands onto the counter.

After a good few moments, we finally paid and got all of our snacks. We made our way back to my car, sliding all of the snacks into the trunk, while Ethan places the box of beer into the trunk aswell.

"I don't even know how that fake ID actually works." Me and Mia chuckle, before getting into the car and putting on our seatbelts again.

Just as Mia was about to plug in her phone for music, I stopped her and took the cord away.

"Anyone else, please play music. I cant handle anymore if Mia's country ass songs" I say, handing the cord to Ethan. Mia let out a gasp, before playfully slapping my shoulder. Ethan quickly plugged in his phone, playing a song as we made our way home.

"I don't like your music, but its a lot better than Mia's" I state, closing the door of my car and opening the trunk.

The boys played a bunch of different rap music, featuring many different artists.

"Why do you hate country music so much" Mia chuckles, before helping me grab the bags of snacks from the trunk, Jacob doing the same as Ethan grabs the beer. He quickly makes his way inside to put it in the fridge. Because nobody wants to drink warm beer.

Me and Mia placed all the bags on the counter, dumping them all out and laying it on the counter.

"Hey, some friends want to come over. Is it cool if they come?" Jacob asks, looking up from his phone for once.

"Yeah, the more the better. But, we might need more drinks" I state, causing us to let out a small laugh.

I quickly grabbed a bottle of beer, cracking it open and taking a big swig of it. I let the alcohol burn my throat, as I keep taking sips of if. I can already tell its going to be a long night.

A/N: Heyyy. If you want to be updated on stories or tiktok imagines, join the discord linked in my bioo

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