Chapter 8

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Alexa's POV:

"Who?" She questioned. I let out a chuckle, before hovering my body over hers. I let my brown hair flow freely over my shoulders, as I stared at her face.

Her face was beet red, with a tear on the corner of her deep ocean blue eyes. I slowly brought my hands up to her face, cupping her face before wiping the tear away with my thumb. I placed a soft quick peck on her lips, before pulling back and sitting on her stomach once again.

Her legs wrapped around my waist, before flipping us over so she was now on top. She gave me a sweet smile, before crashing her body onto mine. I let out a low chuckle, before wrapping my hands around her back and pulling her in closer to me. I felt as the warm butterflies swarmed in my stomach, feeling her naked body clinging onto mine.

"That" Cars breathed out.

"I know. Wow" I mumbled out, before staring at the girl ontop of me. Her hair was messy as it flowed down her back. Her sky blue eyes stared into mine, with the tiniest glow in then, making her cuter than ever. There was a light blush spread across her face, as a golden necklace dangled from her neck.

"What time is it?" I ask her. Her eyes opened widely, before getting off of me and searching for her phone.

"12:36 am" She says, before staring at me blankly in the eyes. "We were doing..that, for 2 hours" She says, before getting lost in her mind. I got up from the bed, before grabbing her phone from her hands and tossing it back onto the table.

"Thats okay Cara. Your safe with me" I say, before wrapping her into a hug. Her small arms wrapped tightly around my neck, pulling me in closer to her. I could feel her heart rate pick up against my chest, causing me to smile at her actions.

"Im really hungry" She says, before letting out a small laugh. I just smile sweetly at her, before tossing her clothes back to her. She quickly puts the oversized tee and shorts on, before grabbing her phone snd opening the bedroom door.

We both left her bedroom, before slowly making our way downstairs. We peer our heads over the railing, before seeing a few familiar heads pop up. Mia, Ethan, and Jacob were the only ones left downstairs. Cara let out a quick sigh, before making her way downstairs.

"Uhh hey. Where were you guys?" Mia says, turning her head towards us. Me and Cara share a quick glance at eachother, before she starts to speak.

"I felt like I was getting sick, so I went to the bathroom. I was throwing up before Alexa came in and helped me. I then fell asleep and she said she would stay in my room incase I needed to throw up again" She says, showing no facial expressions, making it look insanely true.

"Oh, you could've told us. Im your bestfriend, I could've helped you" Mia says, before going up and hugging Cara.

"Yeah, thank you. But, what are you guys still doing here?" Cara asks.

"We were worried about you, so we stayed to make sure you were okay" Ethan says.
"But I think we should head out, its getting pretty late. Alexa, do you need a ride?" Ethan asks me.

"No, im good. I just ordered an Uber so." I say, letting the lie slip right out of my mouth.

"Oh okay, well goodnight you guys" Mia says, before the three of them left the house, closing the door behind them. I heard Cara let out a sigh behind me, before turning around and going into the kitchen.

I watched as she grabbed a bag of chips, peeling it open and pouring some into her mouth.

"Its so fucking good. I deserve this" She says, causing us both to laugh.

"Want to go back upstairs?" I ask, as she nods her head, before running her way back upstairs. After a moment, we reach the top of the stairs. She opens the door, waiting for me to get in before closing it behind me. She then gets on her bed, before getting under the covers and making room for me. I quickly slide under the covers, before pulling her down with me. She rests her face in the crook of my neck, as I wrap my arms around her back.

"Goodnight Alexa" She mumbles out.

"Goodnight Cara" I say. After a few seconds I take a quick glance at her, seeing as shes already asleep.

I close my eyes, letting sleep take over me.


I slowly stir awake, hearing my phone ring next to me. I quickly pick it up to check the time.

3:27 am.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Hey, its dave" The guy on the other line says. I immediately stir awake, sitting up straight on the bed.

"What happened?" I ask in a more serious tone.

"He was being a disturbance to the bar. He wouldn't leave after we told him to multiple times, and almost started a fight before we threw him out. I think he just started walking somewhere" Dave says, letting out a sigh. I could tell how tired he was by his voice.

"Okay. Do you want me to come down?" I say into the phone, feeling as my breath became a little shakey.

"No, theres no need to right now. I just wanted to inform you, so you know for tomorrow." He says.

"Okay, thank you. Call me again if anything happens" I say, before hanging up the phone. I let out a big sigh, before placing my phone back on the table. I slowly lay back down, facing the girl that was peacefully sleeping next to me.

Her pink plump lips were slightly parted, as her chest was slowly rising and falling, and her blonde hair was tucked behind her ears. She was the cutest when she was sleeping. I felt the warm butterflies settle in my stomach again. She calmed all my nerves without knowing it, hell she calmed me down and she wasn't even awake.

I don't know why Im feeling like this, or even if I should feel like this. But I love feeling like this. I love feeling like this with her. Even if I shouldn't, even if she thinks i'm her enemy, i'd still rather be an enemy than a nobody to her.

I placed a quick gentle kiss on her lips. I then got under the covers, before wrapping my arms around her waist again, feeling her body warmth heat up my entire body.

I rested my head ontop of hers, as she snuggled her head into my neck.

"Please stay" She whispered, almost inaudible. My eyes widened at her words, taken back by what she said.

"Always" I say, wrapping my arms tighter around her, as I drifted off to sleep again.

A/N: Heyy. You guys wanted another update today, so here it is. I hope you like itt :)

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