Intelligence Dossier: The Bridge Between Worlds (USA)

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The United States of America, a nation that has seen both worlds and lived to tell the tale of Osteria and Earth being removed from Earth in the early 1990s, returned as a prodigal son in 2000 on the eve of the new millennium

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The United States of America, a nation that has seen both worlds and lived to tell the tale of Osteria and Earth being removed from Earth in the early 1990s, returned as a prodigal son in 2000 on the eve of the new millennium. 

A core pillar of the Organization of Free Nations with a vast military and a well-developed industry alongside a large economy it left Earth as a sole superpower and returned with an alliance of nations that eclipse all that preceeds. 

-United States Department of State, on the outlook of America. 

We did save their arse in the battle of Los Angeles dubbed the battle of the nations and they later returned the favor during the defense of El Dorado, which the Americans called the city of Gold and during the early great war as the City of Red Gold.   

Senator Jim Von Ru, senator in the Federal Senate of the United Federation, 2001 upon being asked by an interviewee from BBC. 

There are two great tragedies one is that we lost contact with Earth our home and the second is that we returned to Earth at the helm of the largest economic block, military alliance, and technological sphere and we have to figure out how to keep our strength while sharing the technology and resources needed for the advance of life and ensuing no one is left behind. 

Former President Barrack Obama, 2001, interviewee with CNN and FOX. 

States of the Union

51st state: State of Guam (all Pacific islands)

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51st state: State of Guam (all Pacific islands)

52nd State: State of Puerto Rico

what do we want - a large number of protesters asked in a loud voice while marching down the streets of Washington DC. Representatives. NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATIVE! 

- 1909 I.C.E, DC statehood protest.  

Political Leadership 

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