Smoke and Mirrors: To Mold the World part 4: beneath the sand of ignorance

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Liverpool, North West Region, 

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 

June 06, 2005, 7:00 am. 

The city of Liverpool, a major urban center of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland with a relatively large industrial base producing vehicles that are energy sufficient and using computer systems once imported from the Organization of Free Nations, computer systems that are slowly being manufactured by the member states of the United Nations. 

The civilian population of the city of Liverpool is going about their daily lives, a young man in his early 20s is walking along the sidewalk of the city heading towards a newspaper vendor, a sixty-two-year-old man with few hair and wearing an eyeglass, "One Guardian, " the twnety-two-year-old man wearing a white long sleeve and black pants informed the vendor of the particular brand of newspaper that has caught his interest. 

The sixty-two-year-old man grabbed the newspaper with the brand that was mentioned by the former, "I have to say it seems that you ought to run the country, " he remarked while handing over the newspaper while grabbing the monetary payment for the newspaper that the black haired man requested, "After all you prefer the guardian, " the sixty-two-year-old man with white hair continues to speak while the twenty-two-year-old man rolls the newspaper. 

"Well I would certainly be able to run this country far better than those in London who are running this country to the ground with their greed, " the twenty-two-year-old man calmly responded before storing the newspaper inside a small square box, a box whose purpose is to replicate the personal dimensional storage through science and technology. 

"Those must be the fancy new toys that you young ones have, " the sixty-two-year-old man remarked while looking at the square box that the man was holding with his right hand, "I envy you, young people, " the old man continued to speak in a low voice while the twenty-two-year-old man is walking away from him, "You folks have a lot of time to enjoy all of those new scientific advancements, " he mentally remarked while looking into the skies, "Born too early to explore space and too late to enjoy the new world, " he remarked inside of his mind while once more looking at the sidewalk and seeing a fifteen-year-old-boy walking towards his stall. 

"Morning star, " The fifteen-year-old boy stated while looking at his smartphone, "The internet is so slow in here, " he mumbled in a low voice while withdrawing money from his dimensional storage, "When I was in the United Kingdom of Albion their internet is quick, " he remarked while handing over the appropriate amount of cash in exchange for the newspaper. 

"Young ones take it easy, " the old man selling newspaper calmly remarked while handing over the newspaper in exchange for the British pounds, "Progress does not happen overnight. " 

"Take it easy Grandpa, " the fifteen-year-old boy calmly responded while grabbing the newspaper after giving away the money for the newspaper, "But hey look at what is happening in Africa and I can say that the OFN knows what they are doing compared to what those in London knows, " he remarked before walking away while storing the newspaper inside of his personal dimensional storage. 

The sixty-two-year-old man frowns once the former is no longer within his line of sight, she speaks to himself in a low voice,  "Truly our country would be doomed if we let those people run it, " he pointed out in a low voice, "They would certainly sell our country in exchange for a good time, " he continues to speak in a low voice just in time to see a thirty-two-year-old woman holding the hands of a five-year-old girl, the mother, and daughter both having blonde hair walk past him their conversation is faint but he can hear them. 

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