A Brave New World: the Giant Wakes

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Mogadishu, National State of Somalia, 

November 10, 2001, 12:15 am. 

Operation Gothic Serpent, the intervention of the Organization of Free Nations on the Horn of Africa is about to commence with numerous amphibious assault craft of the First US Marine Division approaching thier designated landing zone under the cover of a night devoid of any offshore bombardment from the naval task force assigned to support the amphibious operation tasked with securing the capital of the National State of Somalia, an unrecognized state by the United Nations.

the first of the amphibious assault craft, the new combat vehicle of the United States Marine Corps, a vehicle capable of conducting amphibious combat operations, procured through the program known as Amphibious Combat Vehicle which started after the end of the second abyssal war, the ACV-1A, a tracked combat vehicle armed with a 105mm rail gun cannon and an M3 machine gun with a remote controlled weapon station, which allowed the crew to fire thier weapon from inside of the safety of the vehicle. 

the first wave of ACV-1A landed on thier designated landing zone, the port facility of the city of Mogadishu, and before they push onwards, the back ramp door opens and American marines equipped with exoskeleton combat suits and armed with the M15 Spencer Rail gun assault rifle quickly dismounted and take cover behind the vehicle. 

"it is way too quiet in here, " a marine remarked while advancing forward while behind the ACV-1A, "maybe this will be how it will play out, " he pointed out in a low voice while moving forward while keeping up pace with the ACV-1A combat vehicles which would shield the men from harm. 

the marines tasked with securing the port facility quickly move to accomplish thier task with great speed and haste, a team of five marines is standing outside one of the two buildings that are on the pier, one of the soldiers quickly placed a charge on the wall and after a few seconds the charge activates burning the door and once the door has been removed they quickly throw a flashbang grenade which exploded causing those inside of the structure to be incapacitated and once the flashbang grenade exploded the five marines to storm the structure, "USMC surrender! " one of the marines shouted in a loud voice the marines themselves entered the structure with the combat ballistic shield raised alongside thier personal energy shield activated. 

but upon entering the structure they are quickly greeted not by gunfire but by ten men whose hands are raised and one of the men waving a white flag, "do not shoot we surrender! " one of the men shouted in a loud voice informing the five marines of his intention to surrender to the opposing forces. 

the marines quickly move to secure the prisoners of war handcuffing the surrendered personnel with two circular bracelets which upon activation quickly became attracted to each other restraining the inmate's movement, "this is Alpha 2-3 structure Omega have been secured, ten POW, no causality, " the leader of the fireteam reported to the platoon leader. 

"Alpha 2-3 this is Alpha 2-4 remain in position and move out upon command, " a voice reported, "Bravo Squad will take over, out. " 

"confirmed, " the fireteam leader responded, "guess we will be taking charge of the prisoners for a while, " he stated while looking at the soldiers under his command, "so why not fight? " the marine in question asked while looking at one of the soldiers from the National State of Somalia that decided to surrender. 

"there has been enough bloodshed for the city, " the man in question replied to the question at hand, "plus we are merely delaying the inevitable, " he pointed out.

as the marines pushed forward they are greeted by the sight of the opposing forces surrendering upon seeing a marine rifleman no matter the size of the formation, the soldiers of the National State of Somalia quickly surrendered to the American forces, and while the first wave of marines pushes thier control forward, the second wave of American marines from the first US marine division have just finished unloading and are now pushing forward. The United States Marine Corps quickly expanded thier control on the pier and within a few minutes they reached the city outskirts and are now moving into the city in combat task force formation. 

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