A Brave New World: Colliding World

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Imperial Palace, New Eden, 

Imperial District, United Federation. 

8:00 am. 

William, alongside the president of the United Federation and the diplomatic entourage from the great powers of the member states, is currently eating thier breakfast courtesy of the Imperial Household of the United Federation. 

"I Have to say this tea is quite tasty, " the head of the diplomatic mission from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland remarked after placing the teacup on the table, "I am sure there will be a potential market in my country if this were to be exported, " he stated while looking at William whom is seating at the head of the round table where the head of each of the nations diplomatic mission are seated around the table. 

"It seems that we are bound to benefit from further cooperation between our different nations, " the head of the French diplomatic mission stated while being seated beside the former whom have praised the tea that was served to him as he is talking he is approached from behind by a servant of the house wearing a maid's uniform. 

"would you like anything else? " the maid, a young woman in her early 30s with long blue hair and sharp red eyes inquired, "honored guess from the French Republic? " 

"I would certainly like something cold for this hot day of this new year of reunion, " he replied to the question and the maid bowed her head before walking away, "to be honest I am quite surprise when we decided to take a walk rather than enter our vehicle. " 

"We take pride in our security and public safety, " the president of the United Federation responded with a hint of pride in his voice, "politicians such as myself can walk on the street and intermingle with everyone. "

"We do admire the discipline of your culture, " the head of the diplomatic mission from Japan stated, "the streets are very much clean and police officers are deployed on the streets actively preventing crime. " 

"I would certainly like to visit your respective countries, " William, the head of state of the United Federation stated once the man from Japan had finished speaking while the young female maid who asked the french diplomat earlier has returned carrying a tray with both of his hands. 

"I am sure that my government would love for you to see our nation's culture and history alongside our very nice people, " the head of the diplomatic mission from the Russian Federation remarked after William has finished speaking, "and once again my colleague would like to express his thanks for your offer to treat his daughter. " 

"We believed the medical technology should be freely shared, " president Jonathan Irons, the soon-to-be outgoing president of the United Federation stated in response to what the former has stated, "not just out of the goodwill of our hearts but because we certainly do not like any super virus suddenly emerging out of nowhere and causing a lockdown. We are simply taking the practical approach. " 

"I do think that advancement in medical technology would certainly make such an event less likely to happen, " the head of the diplomatic mission from the People's Republic of China responded which made William glance at the young man in his early 40s wearing formal attire with red tie and white long-sleeved polo being hidden by a black coat. 

"That would be unfortunate, " William responded. 

"for a monarch, you are very much approachable by the common folks, " he pointed out with a smile on his face, "an exemplary example of what a leader should be, " he uttered his praise which made William smile.     

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