Yoongi left and Jungkook stayed there for a while being sleepy. Then he got up and went to his room to freshen up. He came down to have his breakfast after getting ready. He was eating alone then he asked one of the maids, "Where are hyungs?"

The maid replied, "Yoongi sir went to office after waking you up and Tae sir arrived in the morning to take shower and left immediately." Jungkook just nodded. He in his mind, "Tae hyung is working so hard. He is too busy to think about me now. Its okay, he is working day and night and I should not expect him to give me time. And Yoongi hyung is always so busy, nothing new in that. I will focus on my inter-college competitions. Yes, and I have Eunwoo with me. I will bother him all day long. But what if he also stops giving his time to me if I bothered him much. Stop it Kook, you are thinking nonsense. Stop being a attention seeker and just focus on your game. Yeah, just focus on game."

Jungkook finished his breakfast and left for college.

On the other hand, with Tae

Tae was at the Company working on some designs and preparing for the upcoming event. The designers were very cooperative and he is enjoying working there with Jimin and Yoona. Although they are very busy and piled up with work but still enjoying every bit of it.

They are going to skip the university for today and are thinking to do their work in the Company whole day. They were working and then one of the designers said, "We have a meeting tomorrow with our art and talent director. Get ready for that. We will discuss the main theme of the event and show them our designs. Also, I suggest we should create a sample dress to show our work."

Just then Tae spoke, "But sir, its very difficult to prepare a dress till tomorrow." The designer spoke, "I know its difficult. But we can do it if we work together and non-stop. We will definitely pull off something. Whats say guys?"

Yoona spoke, "It will be fun I guess. We can do it." Jimin also agreed and the other team members and other designer also agreed. They agreed to work on it. They are going to be super busy.

They started working on the dress. They selected the design on the basis of which they will prepare the dress. Then they selected the fabric and then they started working on it with the execution team.

Everybody was working hard and like a team. Tae was fixing the fabric on the mannequin and was shaping it into a form of dress. Yoona was cutting the fabric. Jimin and others were also working.

 Jimin and others were also working

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(Guys imagine this singularity taehyung working on the dress like that designer)

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(Guys imagine this singularity taehyung working on the dress like that designer)

Suddenly, while cutting the fabric Yoona accidentally cut her left thumb. The cut was deep and blood started flowing from her thumb. She immediately took her thumb away and hissed in pain. Tae noticed and his eyes widened. He immediately went closer to her and took her left hand in his and checked the thumb. He spoke, "Its bleeding badly." He immediately pulled out his handkerchief and wrapped it around her thumb and pressed it a little to stop bleeding.

She whimpered in pain and spoke, "Ahhh, d-don't press it. Its h-hurting." Tae said, "It will hurt obviously. Come, lets go to infirmary." Yoona nodded. Her eyes were teary due to pain. Tae took her to infirmary and the nurse there bandaged her thumb.

Then the nurse said, "We need to give her tetanus shot. Otherwise it can cause infection." Yoona panicked and said, "NO! No need of the shot." Tae said, "Yoona you have to take the shot. Try to understand."

"No, I am fine. I don't want injection", said Yoona. "I am not listening anything. You are taking the shot", said Tae. She started whining like a baby, saying that she will not take any shot. Tae went a little closer to her and hold her hand and spoke, "It will not hurt much. I promise. Take it. Its important for you."

"But, it will hurt", Yoona said with teary eyes. "Please listen to me once. Please take it", said Tae. Yoona nodded lightly and Tae gestured the nurse to prepare the injection.

Nurse prepared the injection and held Yoona's arm to inject her. Yoona become scared looking at the injection. Tae noticed and held her hand and turned her face towards himself and spoke, "Just look at me. Don't be afraid. You will not feel any pain." Yoona looked into his eyes. They both were looking at each other continously, somewhere lost in each other's eyes.

Just then the nurse spoke, "Its done." They broke the eye contact and Tae left her hand immediately. They both looked away from each other. Yoona looked at her arm and caressed the injected spot. Tae cleared his throat gaining her attention and spoke,"See I told you. It will not hurt."

Yoona hummed and they both went back to their work area. As soon as they entered, Jimin spoke, "Aren't you guys visiting the infirmary so often these days, that too just two of you, huh?" Tae smacked his head lightly and said, "She got hurt and what do you expect me to do. I will obviously take her to get treated. She is also my friend just like you." Yoona become a little sad after listening to Tae. She spoke, "Thank you Tae... oh sorry Taehyung. Thank you for your help."

Before Tae could say something, Yoona went back to her work. Jimin patted Tae's shoulder and spoke, "Lets go bro. We have alot to do." "Yeah lets go", said Tae. They also get back to their work.

Time skips, lunch break, with Jungkook

Jungkook went to the canteen to have his lunch. He was very quiet and upset since the morning. Eunwoo asked him, "Jungkook, where are you lost today? Are you fine?"

Jungkook sighed and said, "Yes I am fine." "No you are not. You are in your thoughts since morning. Tell me, what happened?", asked Eunwoo.

"Actually, I didn't get the chance to tell hyungs that I have been selected as the team captain of our college basketball team. They both are very busy. Tae hyung is not even coming home. He is pratically living in the Company nowadays", said Jungkook.

"Why don't you call them? You can talk to them on phone", said Eunwoo. "I called Tae hyung but he didn't pick up my call and I never call Yoongi hyung. He might be busy in something. I can't disturb him", said Jungkook.

There was a silence for few minutes. Then Jungkook spoke again, "I now feel that its not even a big deal about me being a captain. You see, Yoongi hyung is the CEO of one of the top company's of Korea. He is a well known personality and Tae hyung, he is a very good designer, now working with LV for an event that will have a global significance. And here's me, just getting excited over being a team captain and sulking for attention. Its obvious that they both will be this busy if they are handling such big matters. They don't have time for anything else and I also can't bother them. I will just focus on my practice from now on and maybe on studies too. I am nowhere equal to them. I am just their responsibilty."

After listening to Jungkook, Eunwoo said, "Yahh! Don't think like this. Why are you comparing yourself with your brothers? They are much elder and obviously they will handle big things. They loves you. You are not just a responsibility. You guys are a family. You are overthinking. Stop thinking non-sense."

Jungkook just nodded sadly and said, "I think you are right. I am just overthinking. I will not become sad on something like this again. Its fine if they are busy. I can tell them later. I will focus on my game now." Eunwoo smiled and patted his back and spoke, "Great, now lets eat something. I am starving."

"Yeah!", said Jungkook and they both started eating.

Hey guys, hows the chapter? Comment down and let me know please.

Upcoming chapters are going to be amazing. Something UNEXPECTED is COMING UP!!!!

Okay, so there's a small hint.... its something related to Jungkook. Can you guys guess what it could be!!! Let me know in the comments below. COMMENT DOWN GUYS.... I will try to reply to most of the comments.

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