Mahalakshmi : Rise Of The Demon King

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Parvati soon took birth as the daughter of Sage Katayan and she was named 'Katayani'. Although she was born in a human form, she still retained her divinity and remembered everything but didn't express it. Growing up, Katayani became a helper of her father in all his yajnas and was a staunch devotee of Shiva. With a calm and patient personality, she was preparing herself for the future.

Meanwhile, a long time had passed and Mahishasur's penance was almost over

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Meanwhile, a long time had passed and Mahishasur's penance was almost over. Then, one fine day, Prajapati Brahma appeared in front of Mahishasur.

"Mahishasur, open your eyes. I am pleased by your prayers. Ask any boon you want."

Hearing Brahma's voice, Mahishasur opened his eyes and joined his hands in reverence.

"I'm grateful for your presence here, Brahma Dev. If you are truly pleased, then please grant me the boon of immortality."

Brahma shook his head and said, "I cannot grant you that Mahishasur. Whoever is born on this Earth has to die. It is destiny and even I cannot change it. You can ask for anything else you want."

Now Mahishasur was in a fix. He thought for a while and finally came up with an idea.

"Alright, Brahma Dev. If you cannot grant me the boon of immortality then bless me that I cannot be killed by the male gender of any species. Be it man, God, demons, animals or yakshas. I shall be unbeatable by men."

"And what about women?"

Mahishasur laughed loudly at Brahma's words.

"Women? What can they do? Their only purpose in life is to serve men. Fulfill our desires. I keep them beneath my feet, those fellow voiceless creatures. Their only job is child bearing. What can a mere woman do to me? I am Mahishasur! The King of the demons. I am not afraid of any women. "

Brahma smirked and said, "Alright. As you please. No man of any species can kill you."

Saying so, Brahma disappeared. As he did, Mahishasur discarded his ascetic clothes and attained his full form. His thunderous laugh echoed throughout the three worlds.


He then called upon all his soldiers.

"Listen, my fellow mates. I have attained nearly immortality. No one can kill me now. It's time that Indra learns a lesson. Prepare the army. We will attack Devlok the very next thing."

Obliging to his command, his demon army was ready to attack.


In Kailash, Shiva was putting Ganesh to sleep. It was usually Parvati who did it but in her absence, the responsibility was his. Ganesh was laying on his lap as he was strocking his hair.


"Yes my son?"

"When will Maa come back?" Ganesh asked in a low voice. A small tear rolled down his chubby cheeks as he remembered his mother. How she would put him to sleep every night and would tell him stories and sing lullabies.

"She will be back soon, son. The reason for her birth is near."

"I miss Maa!"

Shiva looked at his little boy with a soft smile and cradled his cheeks.

"I know. I miss her too. We all do."

Ganesh moved a little bit more closer to his father's lap for comfort.

Suddenly, Kartikeya came rushing in.

"Father! Mahishasur has attacked the Gods. Devraj has called on me to lead the army in battle."

Shiva turned to him with a stern look and Ganesh got up in a startle.

"Kartikeya, although Mahishasur is protected by his boon but as the commander of Deva Army, you should fulfill your duty. Even if you cannot kill him, you must hold him back" said Shiva. Kartikeya nodded.

"I understand, Father. But how can he be killed?"

Shiva sighed deeply, "For that, your mother needs to awaken!"

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