Mahakali : Goddess Of Illusion

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As Vishnu opened his eyes, he saw in front of him two demons trying to disturb Brahma.

"What are you two doing? Who are you?" he asked.

"We are Madhu and Kaitabh. We will take over the creation by defeating Brahma. Don't come in our way" Madhu replied. Before anyone could say anything, Brahma's voice echoed.

"Narayan, these two demons were born from your earwax while you were asleep and only you can kill them."

Vishnu understand what had happened and turned to them, "You want to take over the creation? Fine. But before you get to Brahma, you have to fight me."

The demons laughed.

"You will fight us? Ha! We have Goddess Mahamaya's boon. Who even are you?"

"I'm Vishnu. I'm the preserver of this universe. If you are brave enough, then defeat me."

"Alright, if you want to loose so badly, then let's fight."

Saying so, the two demons attacked Vishnu with their weapons but one blow from Vishnu's goad threw them backwards. They were surprised to see how strong he was but went to fight again. Although they were getting beaten up every time, they continued fighting as they knew that they couldn't die. The fight between Madhu-Kaitabh and Vishnu went on for days and nights but there was no end to it. At this point, both the side were getting tired a bit. Brahma and Mahamaya were watching this from Brahmaloka. Brahma turned to the Goddess and pleaded.

"Devi, their fight has been going on for a long time but there is no end to it. Madhu and Kaitabh are blessed by your boon. Only you can help Narayan defeat them."

The Goddess laughed softly, "Brahma Dev, they had asked for the boon of 'Death by choice' but did not understand it's meaning. These two might be strong in the muscles but not so much in the brains, as much as they would want to believe. I will enchant them with my illusion and will take away their ability to think. They will tell the way to their death themselves!"

Saying so, the Mahamaya applied her power of illusion on the demon brothers and the two suddenly went blank. They went into a trance and stopped fighting.

"What happened? Don't want to fight anymore?" Vishnu said.

Kaitabh answered, "We have been fighting for a long time and yet there's no outcome. You are clearly a very good fighter. We are pleased. You can ask for any boon and we will grant you that."

Vishnu was startled for a moment but immediately realised that it was all the play of Goddess Mahamaya. He smirked and said,
"Well, if you are so keen to grant me a boon then I want your death. I want to kill you. "

Madhu laughed loudly," You are smart Vishnu. You knew exactly what to ask. Alright, when you have asked for something, we will grant you that. You can kill us but there's a condition. You cannot kill us where there is water or land or air or fire. Now tell me where will you kill us when there is mostly water and air is everywhere? "

"That will not be a problem" said Vishnu and then started to grow in size and soon reached the sky. He picked the two up and placed then on his right thigh.

"Fools, my body is the exact place that you wanted. It is neither water nor land. It has no air or fire as my body spreads along the cosmos itself."

Vishnu then called upon his Sudarshan Chakra and with one swift turn of his index finger, the two demons were decapitated by the sharp discuss and fell on the water and turned into large land masses. Brahma and Mahamaya appeared on the scene.

"Thank you, Devi. Without your help, I wouldn't have been able to kill those two" Vishnu said, joining his hands. Mahamaya smiled and returned his gesture.

"Sri Hari, it was my duty. And because the fat or the 'medh' of Madhu and Kaitabh have created the land masses, it will be known as  'Medini'."

"And also" said Brahma, "Narayan, because you have killed Madhu and Kaitabh, you will be known as 'Madhusudhan'. And Devi, as you had orchastrated everything, you will be known as 'Kaitabhi'."

Both the dieties nodded and Goddess Mahamaya went back to her aboard as the process of creation continued.

A/N : Story of Mahakaali ends here. From the next chapter, you'll read about Mahishasuramardini. There's going to be a time jump so informing before hand. Enjoy!

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