Mahakali : Brahma's Prayers

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Madhu and Kaitabh went back to their old ways and started shaking the Lotus Stalk again. Brahma opened his eyes and seeing those two again, got agitated.

"What are you two doing here again?"

"Brahma, now we have the boon of Goddess Mahamaya so we are more powerful than you. Now we will take over the world" Madhu said.

Now Brahma was in a fix. They had the Goddess's boon which meant he wouldn't be able to do anything. Seeing no other way, he started praying to Goddess Mahamaya.

"Oh Devi, you are creator of this world. The preserver. The destroyer. Everything resides in you. You are the ultimate power of this universe. You are the one who supports this world. You have divided yourself into the two forms of Maya to control this world. You, as Mahamaya or 'Material Illusion' lead this world through the path of life and as Yogmaya or 'Spiritual Illusion' free them from the bonds of this world. You are the Yognidra who resides in Vishnu's eyes through which he is able to look after this universe. You are creativity with which I create this universe. You are Shakti, without whom even Shiva is a corpse. You are the one who is the sacrifices towards the Gods and the sacrificial fire as well. You are the Nectar (of Bliss) within the Akshara (Om), residing eternally as the essence behind the three Maatras (A-U-M). You abide in the very absolute point of the Omkara, which in particular, cannot be pronounced at all, You indeed are the Sandhya (The approaching calmness of the night and the essence of the Sandhya worship) and the Savitri (The power of the Sun during the day and the essence of the Gayatri mantra); You are the Devi Who is the Supreme Mother. During creation, you are the one that nurtures with her powers, the one in whom everything is absorbed. You are the greatest knowledge and the intelligence of mind. You are the one who covers the world with illusion and you, yourself free them as well. You are the destroyer of ego, lust and gluttony. Oh! the Great Goddess of world, Hey Mahadevi, please come to my aid."

Hearing Brahma's prayers, the Goddess was pleased. The 'Tamasi-Rupini' Devi appeared before him. Brahma joined his hand in respect and she nodded and returned the gesture.

"Tell me, Brahma Dev, What made you call me here?"

"Mahadevi, due to your given boon, Madhu and Kaitabh have become extremely troublesome and is halting the process of creation. They are born from Vishnu, so only he can kill them but Narayan is currently in Yognidra as per your will. Kindly wake him up so these demons can meet their end."

Mahamaya smiled and said, "I understand your concern, Brahma. Alright, I will wake him up."

Saying so, she extracted her powers of illusion that was residing in Vishnu and he opened his eyes close.

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