Mahalakshmi : Beginning Of A Disaster

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Once, there were two powerful demon brothers, Rambh and Karambh. They were the sons of Rishi Kashyap. The two brothers wanted to rule over the world, so they started performing penance to gain powers. Rambh was meditating upon the God Agni and had surrounded himself with burning fire whereas Karambh had submerged himself in the waters and was meditating upon the Water - God, Varuna. As their penance proceeded, Devraj Indra started to grow worrysome. He feared that if the two demons succeeded, then Amravati and his position will be in danger. So, to remove his problem from the root, he took the form of a crocodile and went to Karambh who was meditating in water and killed him. His screams woke Rambh and he clearly saw Indra leaving the form of crocodile and going back after killing his brother. A desire for revenge grew in his heart and he started doing even more vigorous penance. Indra was ready to kill him as well. He tried to burn him with the same fire he had surrounded himself with but by then, his penance had reached it's climax and Agni saved him. Pleased, he appeared before him.

"Rambh, I'm pleased by your prayers. Do ask for a boon."

"Agni dev, the Gods have always been unfair towards us Asuras. Your Devraj killed my brother while he was unconscious. I want revenge. If you are truly pleased, then grant me a boon for a son, who would conquer the Gods and the three worlds."

"So be it Rambh. Go towards the north from here and the first woman you will meet there, will be the mother of your son who will be powerful enough to defeat even the Gods."

Saying so, Agni disappeared. Following his instructions, Rambh ventured towards the north. After going a while, he saw a beautiful woman roaming in the forest. He was immediately enamored by her. He approached her and she revealed that her name was Mahishi. She was an Asura princess. But one day, she had troubled some saints as a female buffalo so they had cursed her to become a female buffalo herself. But after seeking forgiveness, they had blessed her that she could shapeshift as both human and buffalo. Rambh and Mahishi got attracted to each other and immediately got married and then consummated their marriage. Soon enough, Mahishi had conceived a child. Rambh knew that this son was going to be all powerful so he extremely happy.

But one day, when the two of them were going by the forest, a bunch of Asuras attacked them. They wanted to kill Rambh and take away Mahishi. Rambh fought with them till his last breath but was eventually killed. Mahishi was devasted. Before anyone could lay a hand on her, Mahishi decided that she too would kill herself in the pyre of her husband but before going into the fire she announced that her child was blessed by Agni and would not be harmed. He will be born safely and would fulfil his father's desire. As he was the son of Mahishi and Rambhasur, he would be named 'Mahishasur'. Saying so, she too burnt herself in the fire. But then, the sky became covered in black smoke and wolves started howling and from the fire, emerged a mighty demon. He was tall and had a pair of horns on his head, indicating his buffalo lineage. He had inherited the power of shape-shifting from his mother and he could transform into anything. Mahishasur remembered everything that he had heard in his mother's womb and was ready for revenge and to take over the world. He was immensely powerful and immediately wanted to attack the Gods but on Shukracharya's advice, he had started to meditate upon Brahma.

"And he is still doing penance which is the reason Devarshi is worried" Shiva said after completing the tale.

This struck Parvati's mind and she couldn't forgo the sense of an impending doom.


Parvati was sitting in her cave, making a flower garland. Ganesh was siting beside her, trying to help her. She was lost in thoughts about what Shiva had said earlier. She couldn't focus on her work.

"Maa, I've completed my garland"

Ganesh's voice broke Parvati's trance and she looks looked at him who was holding up a little garland with his tiny hands. Parvati couldn't help but smile.

"It's beautiful, sweetheart. You've learnt well. I'm proud of you! "

Ganesh's face lit up hearing his mother's complement and shook his little trunk and hugged her.

"I love you, Maa!"

"I love you too, my baby"

Parvati said, hugging her son. Suddenly her attention was taken away and she let go of him. She could hear someone calling for her and chanting her mantras. She closed her eyes and through her divine vision, she could see Rishi Katyan was meditating on her.

"What happened, Maa?" Ganesh asked, bewildered at his mother's sudden change of behavior.

Parvati opened her eyes and replied, "A devotee is calling, my son. I have to go."

Saying so, she disappeared.

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