Mahakali : Shiva And Shakti

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The work of creation was in progress. Brahma started creating the planets, the five elements, the Sun, the Moon, Water and Land but there was a need of something to sustain it. So it came upon Shiva and Shakti to create nature.

Shiva : The way of creation is through our union and best way to our union is through dance. Music and dance combine our energy and that is how we can give birth to nature.

Adi Shakti agreed. And thus began their 'Lasya' or the 'Dance of Creation'. Shiva played his damru as he invited Shakti to join him. Each placement of their steps on the cosmos created a vibration. And surrounding them started to appear various trees, flowers, birds and animals. Thus nature was born. It was the personification of the feminine energy i.e. Adi Parashakti herself. What they created was colorful and a treat for the eyes. The sound of Shiva's damru and the tinkling of the bells of Shakti's anklet provided the music for their divine performance. Shakti stretched her hand in a step and from there, streams and rivers came into being with fishes swimming in them. From the stepping of Shiva's feet, mountains emerged. Some cold, some colorful. Together, they created the life essence of this universe and finally their dance came into a stop as they moved to their final posture.

Having seen the beauty of what they have created, Shakti became overjoyed. A broad smile appeared on her face as she looked around. Her smile radiated the sun and the surrounding glowed up with his rays. Shiva looked at her, mesmerised. Then he looked up at the trees and flowers started to shower on her. Startled for a bit, she looked at Shiva and realised it was him. Her smile became bigger and she started laughing. Her sweet sound of laughter gave life to the still nature. That was the moment when Shiva knew that he wanted to adore that smile forever. Shakti noticed him staring at her and went near him.

Adi Shakti : The nature we created is so beautiful, isn't it Shiva?

Shiva : It is indeed but it's because you who is nature herself, are so beautiful.

She blushed a little.

Adi Shakti : It is our love that is prevelant in the air that makes it so beautiful. Shiva, don't you think now that our duty towards the creation is done, we should fulfill our duty towards each other?

Shiva nodded.

Shiva : Yes, Shakti. You are in me and I am in you. We are one body. One soul.

Adi Shakti : And we will be like this forever.

Saying so, she embraced him and Shiva put his arms around her tightly. They both began to merge into each other and through this union, a unique form of uniformity came into being. The form of 'Ardhanareshwar'. Where Shiva and Shakti are one. On the right side was Shiva who represents Purush or Man who is the outer appearance. He is the body. The one who works. In his right upper hand was his Trishul and lower hand was in the Vara mudra. The left side consisted of Shakti who represents Prakriti or Nature (woman). She is the soul. The one who makes the body work. In her upper left hand, she held a lotus and her lower hand was in Abhaya mudra. She is the energy that rejuvenates the still mind which is man. Man without nature is like a corpse and nature without man has no purpose. Both are one. Shiva and Shakti completes each other just like man and nature.

 Shiva and Shakti completes each other just like man and nature

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Shiva walked Shakti around a snow covered mountain.

Adi Shakti : Shiva, I thought you said we are going to our home but this is a mountain. Why are we here?

Shiva smiled at her.

Shiva : Because Shakti, this is our home. This is Kailash. This snow covered mountain is still like the mind where we will establish our warmth of emotions.

Shakti nodded. Suddenly they heard someone calling for them and that someone turned out to be Brahma. They looked at each other and disappeared.

Brahma was praying to Shiva and Shakti as he had come across a problem in his path of creation. Pleased with his prayers, Ardhanareshwar appeared before him.

Ardhanareshwar : Oh Brahma! What is the urgency? Why did you call upon us?

Brahma : Mahadev, Mahadevi, I have the responsibility of creating human beings but I need to make men and women separately in order to maintain balance and you are the ultimate male and female forms and as long as you are conjoined as one, I cannot make separate genders. So it is my request that both of you separate from each other so that I can use your masculine and feminine energy to create human beings. I know what I am asking is extremely unfair but this is the need of the creation.

Ardhanareshwar was shocked at his demand. They couldn't believe that he was asking them to separate but they also understood the reason behind this so Shiva and Shakti separated from each other and became individuals once again.

Shiva : Alright Brahma, as per your request, we will part ways so that you can continue with your work.

Adi Shakti : We are granting you our powers so you can create men and women but remember even if they are born differently, they will always be the same. Men and women together creates the universe. One is incomplete without the other. After all, they are a part of Ardhanareshwar.

Brahma nodded.

Brahma : I'm grateful for your sacrifice and I promise you that even if you both have to separate now, you will always come together and I would help in it myself.

They nodded and disappeared.

The snow capped surrounding of the mountain was melancholic as opposed to the usual serenity and beauty that engulfs the environment. Shiva and Adi Shakti were walking aside each other but neither of them looked at each other. The joy of being together was missing from their eyes and instead they were filled with tears.
They both reached the end of the cliff and stopped.

Adi Shakti : Didn't know that we had so little time together

Shakti sighed. Shiva came closer and grasped her shoulders.

Shiva : Time can never be controlled, my love. It's destiny. Even if we are time personified, we too cannot go beyond what is destined for us.

Shakti cradled his face with her hands and wiped the tear that was rolling down his cheeks.

Adi Shakti : But I do intend to keep my promise. I have promised you that I will be with you in every form and shape and I will come back to you. No matter what. You are my destiny and nothing can keep us apart. It's my vow.

Shakti smiled which Shiva returned and nodded. He touched her forehead with his own and whispered.

Shiva : I love you. I will always love you.

He had to step back as he saw Shakti vanishing from in front from him as she headed to Suryaloka where she had intended to recide for a while. Shiva looked around to see his Kailash empty. Dejected, he sat down to meditate

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