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Austin "Bayou's Finest"🩵: Thank you, chère.

He was coming.

Austin was coming to see her.

He was coming to see her because he didn't want their time left together to be wasted.

He didn't tell her she was crazy for going away.

He didn't try to make her come back.

He was coming to her.

"Oh, this makes it much harder," She whispered, still unsure of what she wanted.

She knew what she wanted.

But choosing it meant that she was putting herself at risk again.

It wasn't easy.

Not in the slightest.

Only, she knew by choosing Austin, she was choosing the right thing.

They fit together.

It was strange and effortless.

Even as the choice weighed in her heart, talking to him melted the weight away.

He was Austin and she appreciated him for always being Austin.

"Austin," She murmured dreamily.

He was the perfect choice.

And he kissed her.

She didn't have time to let it sink in.

It did now.

She opened her journal as the fireplace crackled.

'Austin will be arriving later this afternoon.


I want to choose him.

I do.

Only, logic and fear make me step back.

I want to question why I'm so easily accepting of my feelings for him.

I want to question why it doesn't feel like pulling teeth.

I want to question everything.

But I won't.

Questioning it would only make me worry and confused.

If my feelings are clear and my heart is surprisingly ready, why should I question this?

He's my unexpected friend.

I do believe that's how he made it past my defenses.

The sensors were obviously broken...

I also believe I'm avoiding the topic I opened my journal to write about.

Austin kissed me.

I think of what ran through my mind right before he asked.

He was holding me.

We were supposed to be apart, yet we made no move to separate.

I was holding his cheek.

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