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It was a mockery.

Birds sang a pitchy song that genuinely irked Anastasia's soul.

Didn't they know?

Benjamin was gone. Their future together was cut short by a disgusting drunken fool.

Dominic, her brother, squeezed her hand, bringing her back to her pitiful reality.

"As I come to a close, I ask you all earnestly, don't forget the Tudor family and Anastasia as you kneel down and pray. Keep them lifted up in this time."


She didn't want prayers. She didn't care to be kept in anyone's prayers.

It was hopeless.

Benjamin was gone.

She wanted to be with him.

"No," She choked quietly.

She didn't mean that.

It wouldn't bring him back to life.

"On behalf of the Tudors and Anastasia, I thank you all for showing your support. Benjamin Tudor was a good man, son, fiance, and friend. We take heart knowing that he has gone to be with the Lord. We will meet him again. For now, remember him as he was. I thank you once again."

Anastasia rested her head on Dominic's shoulder and remained motionless as people passed by with their meaningless "words of comfort."

"I'm so sorry for your loss."

"He was a good man, Anastasia. I pray God heals your heart."

"You were all he talked about. You were a special girl to him."

"Time will heal your hearts, hold tight."

"I'll pray for you every night."

"The Lord will take care of you, baby. Cling to Him."

She couldn't see through her tears.

Her heart was in excruciating pain and numb at once.

Benjamin was really gone.

He was never coming back.

She'd never get to hear him rave about tennis and Egyptology.

He was a well-rounded man, though his obsession with Egypt was a bit alarming when they first met.

For the first time since his accident, Anastasia's lips quirked.

Her memories were painted with Benjamin and his loveable quirks.

She thought of him most of the time when he was alive, but now that he was gone, he was always on her mind.

She'd never love again.

It wasn't possible for her to love another man.

Not when there was a chance she could lose him too.

Everything was fleeting. Time was vicious and left no room for one to say the words that were left for another day.

She could never go back and tell Benjamin how much she adored him. She would never get to see him light up as they toured Egypt on their honeymoon.

"Sis, everyone is heading to Mr. and Mrs. Tudor's house. We should head there," Dominic whispered gently, using the same tone that'd been used by everyone who'd spoken to Anastasia since the accident.

He was walking on eggshells around her.

Not that she minded.

She wasn't ready to face reality. She wasn't ready to face the cold truth.

"I-i'm not ready. I would like to see him go."

Her voice was scratchy and light from crying throughout the nights leading up to today.

She had barely spoken.

Nothing was the same.

According to her wish, Anastasia sat beside her brother and watched them lower Benjamin's casket.

Her stomach churned and bile rose up her throat.

"O-oh my God!" She screamed horrifically.

"No! No!" She wasn't ready.

She wasn't ready to see him go.

"Stop it! He's going to suffocate!" She shot up and tried to reach the men who were shoveling the dirt over Benjamin's casket.

Dominic snatched her by the waist and pulled her into his chest, though she fought him.

She kicked and shoved at him angrily as tears rushed down her face. "No! Stop! Let me go! He doesn't want to be stuck! Please, please, God, please let him go! Bring him back! Please,"

Dominic's stoic composure broke at the heartbreaking pleas of his sister.

She didn't deserve this. She didn't ask for this.

She'd done everything right.

"I'm sorry," He murmured while rubbing her back.

It hurt his heart to see her this way.

She was a happy girl. Benjamin was sent from God.

He'd never forget the way she giggled and blushed after meeting Benjamin.

They were meant to be. He didn't understand why God allowed this to happen, but he trusted Him.

He could only pray that Anastasia would too one day.

His heart broke further as he heard her whisper,
"H-he could've taken me instead,"

God had to see her through this.

But how could He heal her heart after a loss like this?


Author's Note

And so it begins. 🥹

Welcome you lovely people.

This chapter is a lot shorter than the rest of the chapters will be.

Anastasia has just lost her fiancé, Benjamin, above in the media. You'll get to learn about their love story and more as the story goes on.

A big thing I want to touch on is that you can still speak fondly of memories of someone you loved and still be deeply in love with the one you're with now.

Anastasia lost Benjamin in a horrible way. If she can't remember him with a new man, does it mean she should never move on?

I'm so excited about it this story!

I'm not sure when chapter two will be out! I'm busy this week, but if you know me, you know I'll try to fit in some writing this week!

Also, the notes won't be this long. I just had to explain a few things!

Bye y'all! 🫶🏽

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