CHAPTER 18: Recovery

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I stood in the .i.i. crowed while the BFB and the eliminated tpot contestants stood on the opposite side with .i.i. Taco.
The Algebraliens were talking amongst themselves about something. I looked through the i.i. crowd and noticed that Trophy had gotten up, he had some bandages on his face though.

Knife also had some bandages on his shoulder, so that's who the kitchen knife hit. Atleast it wasn't fatal.

I walked over to where Trophy was, also with him was Soap and the Cherries. "Hey guys!" I waved over to them, the four of them look over before the Cherries ran over and hugged me.

"Hey Cake, how are you doing now that green Alien has been captured" Soap asked. "Alot better, oh and thank you Trophy for saving me back there" I smiled at him.

"I only did it cause the Cherries begged me too, it's not like I did it on my own free will" he said with a huff.

"Uhhhh... we never  told you to do that?" Cherry said.

"Yeah, we were just hoping someone would save Mr.Cake" Cherri added to his brother's statement. Trophy's face turned red as he quickly turned away. I felt a smile creep up my face, it's really nice that he cares for me.

"Was anyone else hurt by Two'a attack?" I asked Soap, "only Knife and OJ was hurt at the state of his hotel" Soap said. We looked over to see OJ getting comfort from Pickle and Paper, that's nice.

"Though I'm a little confused, why hasn't Four recovered your friends?" Soap asked me, "I'm not sure as well" I said giving a small chuckle at the end.

Sooner enough Four asked for all of our attention. "Listen up everyone I'm only gonna say this once now, I've already recovered one contestant and their are a little dizzy. Also all the scars Two gave remain on their person so I want everyone to shut up about that" Four demanded, and everyone obeyed.

Four stepped aside to reveal Tree, the first one who died in Two's attack. They order TestTube and Soap to take care of each person they revive. The two nodded and Soap went over to Tree and walked him to the sidelines along with TestTube.

Soon Four opened his hand and recovered eight more people. Grassy, Tennis ball, TV, Price tag, Pin, Coiny, Ice cube, and Marker.
Who TestTube and Soap and immediately tend to, I managed to slip out of the inanimate insanity crowd to go see Price tag.

I soon got to them and tapped them on the back, they looked over and their paper face created a smile.

"Cake!! What happened to you, your hurt so badly!?" Price tag asked, it was relieving to hear their voice after such along time.

"It's a long story, but I managed to survive!"

"That's neat!"

"Yeah, I would've been a goner without Nickel helps"

I looked over at Four and saw 18 more contestants that have been recovered. Snowball, Basketball, Lightning, Book, Bomby, Pillow, Fries, Golf ball, Gaty, Barf bag, Donut, Pen, Bell, Rocky, Eggy, Puffball, Clock, and finally Fanny.

There was an emotional reunion between Fanny and Fan, he immediately ran towards her the moment she appeared.

Rocky immediately disregarded Soap and TestTube and went over to his family. Soap and TestTube just shrugged it off and helped the others that were recover by Four. 

Four was exhausted at this point, so X came up to them and handed them a water bottle. "How many are left Cake?" Four asked me while chugging down the water bottle.

"9 I think, and one of those people is Nickel!!" I told them, Four just nodded tiredly. I don't think they are use to recovering this many people, or was it restraining Two that took alot out of them?

Four held out his hand once again and revived four more contestants,  Bottle, Winner, Yellow, and Blackhole. I'm kinda surprised Black hole died...

That just proves how strong algebraliens are...

After Soap and TestTube brought the four people Four recovered, they revived four more contestants. Flower, Eraser, Needle and than Teardrop. Pretty much everyone was revived, except of Nickel.

Four was tired at this point, I would also be tired too if I had to recover that many people at once.

But Nickel hasn't been recovered yet, I walked over to Pillow, Bomby, Book, and Price tag. Book didn't have her glasses, Pillow had a large scar across her face.

Bomby had a new scar over his other eyes, along with a missing finger on his right arm, and I couldn't tell what was wrong with Price tag.

"Hey guys" I waved over to them, they looked over and waved back. "Hello Cake, have Four recovered Nickel yet?" Book asked me, "unfortunately no... they seem exhausted" I told them.

"Oh... hey Bomby, Nickel hasn't been recovered yet" she told Bomby who was laying on the ground. I frowned, worried that Nickel would never be recovered.

"I'm gonna go talk to Four and see if they can revive Nickel right now" I said to them, they all gave me a thumbs up.

I walked up to Four, they were laying on the ground with X sitting next to them.

"FOUR!! RECOVER THE FINAL PERSON!!" I demanded, stomping my foot on the ground.


"NICKEL!!! THEY HAVEN'T BEEN REVIVED YET!! Aren't you like a super algebralien?!"

"Cake just because I'm not like you doesn't I don't get tired, we all have our weaknesses"

I wanted to say something, but Four was right. All I could do was wait for them to recover Nickel, I sighed and walked over to where Salt and Pepper were.

Soon enough Four got back on their feet, they held out their and just like that. Nickel was revived.

I wanted to run up to him and hug him so tight!! As well as scold him for leave me here all alone, but that's when I noticed something different. He was wearing something different than what he usually wears.

He wore a dark grey sweater with a muscle shirt underneath. He wasn't wearing his usual light grey vest and button up shirt.

"Ugh... why the hell did it take so long for Mephone to revive me!!"

I stood in shock... this wasn't something I was expecting.

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