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I exited the infirmary and made my way downstairs to the lobby. It's been a month since I've arrived here at Hotel OJ, I've gotten to know everyone and made a few friends.
I got to the dinning area, I waved at a few people before getting my plate.
I went up to the counter and grabbed a small stack of pancakes.

I've always eaten a little amount of food since I never had a great appetite. I remember Book always telling me to eat more if I don't wanna end up skin and bones.
I always told her that I'm alright, but she'd never stopped telling me. I got my share and went to find a place to sit, it was always packed at the dining room so I'd end up eating on the floor most of the time.

I noticed Soap and Salt sitting at the same table, Salt was waving at me telling me to sit where they are. I made my way to them but on the way, I accidentally bumped into someone. Spilling mine and their own food.

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry, i'll-" I look up and saw a large male. He had white hair with two red streaks, he wore a varsity jacket and had a scary look in his eyes.
I froze in place in fear.


"I um-"

Everyone in the dinning room fell silent. I could feel their eyes on the two of us.
The white hair male glared at me with tired eyes, I took in the fact that he has eye bags.

Then the white hair male turned to OJ "who is this? One of Mephone's new contestants?" He asked.

Mephone? Is he like the host here or something? Maybe he could bring them back! But I shouldn't get my hopes up.

"That's Cake, Knife and Suitcase found him in the forest. It's been a month since" OJ explained to the white hair male.

"Why haven't I seen him yet" he asked again.

"It's because you've been sulking in your room or the roof over Nickel" this time, Knife spoke up.

Wait... Nickel?

"When are you gonna leave that topic, it's getting annoying" the white hair male replied to him.

"Atleast you're finally out of your room" OJ happily said. The white hair male just rolled his eyes. Before I could ask him, he walked away.

I looked down at the mess on the floor and started to pick up the shattered plates.

"Let me help, don't want you to get injured again" OJ bent down and helped me pick up the broken shards.
We threw the broken shards out and went to get myself another stack of pancakes. I walked over to Salt's Table, sat down and began eating.

I couldn't make out the conversation they were having, so I just straight up asked them.

"Hey, who was he, the white hair boy?"

"Oh, you mean Baseball" Soap answered my question. "I never knew him but I do know he was close to someone named Nickel"

Nickel knew some of these people? Why didn't he tell us.


"Don't ask me"


"Never even talked to him"

I stared at my half eaten pancakes, I'm so confused. I'm Nickel's friend, so why didn't he tell me. Or any of us as a matter of fact!
Why did Nickel hide this from us?

I have to get to the bottom of this!

I finished my pancakes and went to clean my plate. I need to find Baseball! Soap said he knew Nickel the best.
I exited the kitchen wanting to find Baseball and ask him about Nickel.
But someone stopped me, I looked over and saw OJ coming towards me.

"Hey Cake" he greeted "since you've been here for while now, staying in the infirmary and that your all healed up. I was wondering if you wanted your own room instead of the infirmary"

I eyes lit up "r-really! I can have my own room" I asked excitingly.

"I don't see the problem, one of the rooms in the 5 floor is open, why don't you choose from there"

I couldn't help but smile, I ended up hugging OJ and thanking him multiple times. I ran up the stairs and to the 5 floor, I chose the one closest to the staircase on the left side.
I opened the door to reveal a dark room, I stepped inside and flicked the light switch. It looked like every room, just less decorative.
I walked over to the bed and sat on it.

Wait a minute...

I forgot to ask him! I got off the bed and ran down stairs to the lobby. Once I reached the bottom of the stairway, I looked around to find him. Soon enough, I saw him leaving Oj's office.

I had to know.

"Excuse um- Baseball!" I called out to him. He heard me and turned around.

"Uhh... Cake right? Did you need something" he wondered why I called him.

"Yes! I just wanted to know..." I fumbled a bit with my sentence "do you know Nickel?"

Then the room fell silent, I look over and saw Knife looking at me with a face of pure shock and concern. Sweat dripped off my face as I turned back to look at Baseball.
He glare at me with a serious look.

"Why would you like to know?"

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