CHAPTER 16: Two times

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I was talking to Salt and Pepper when I felt and tug on my cardigan.
I look over and saw one of the Cherries, "uh Mr.Cake..." Cherri mumbled.

"What is it? Do I need to watch over you and your brother again?" I asked "no, Cherry and me were playing in the flower field and we got separated, can you help me?" He asked.

"Uh yeah sure, but why did you come to me out of all people? I'm sure they would help you" I ask, getting up and grabbed his hand.

"Well I didn't really know anyone else, Mr.OJ is always busy, Mr.Paper as well, Mama Soap was clean every room, and Trophy is busy..." Cherri explained to me.

"Oh, um... Hey Salt, Pepper I'm gonna help Cherri with something I'll be right back" I told them before walking off with Cherri in hand.
The two of us exited the hotel and walked over to where the Cherries were earlier.

"Ok, where do you think your brother went?" I ask Cherri, they just shrugged in response.

"Alright... I guess we could see if Cherry ran into the forest"

"He did" Cherri said "oh, then why didn't you say that early?" I asked the boy.

"I don't know" he said.

Dammit!! A classic kid response !!

"Alright... How about we go then" I say, Cherri nodded and took my head as we headed into the forest.

I hope Taco found Cherry, I mean she can't be that evil to manipulate a child... Right?
We walked through the forest until with found a path to follow.

I continued to called out his name while walking, as well as making sure Cherri was nearby. "Cherry!! Cherry where are you!!!" I called out, we continue to walked down the path to the point where we ended up at the place when I first arrived.

"Oh god... Where are you Cherry?" I muttered to myself.

"Um Mr.Cake..." Cherri tugged on my cardigan sleeve. "What is it Cherri? Do you see him?" I asked the boy. 

"No... But I do see something glowy in the distance" he said, pointing over to it.

"Well we shouldn't go near it, let's go and find-" I looked down to see that Cherri wasn't there anymore.
I panicked and looked around to see if he's nearby, I noticed him running over to where the glowy thing was.

"CHERRI WAIT!!" I called out and ran after him, once I caught up to him. I saw his twin brother next to him, they were both staring into the glowy thing infront of them.

I walked up behind the boys and grabbed their shoulders to catch their attention. The two snapped out of it and looked at me.

"You two. Cherry you have to not wonder off, same to you too Cherri. What are you even-" I look at the thing the Cherries were looking at.

I saw it.

Green Trees, and yellow grass...

Four didn't leave it open right...?

Did they....?

"Cherries we have to go" I told them with a bit of panic in my voice. Grabbing their hands and backing away from the portal.

"But there's someone over there, they might need our help" Cherry pointed with his free hand. There was someone green at the end of clearing of the forest.

"Cherries we need to go!" I yelled at them while dragging them away.

With some reluctance the Cherries started started to move away. As we were walking away I looked back at the portal.

Two was standing right infront of it.

We made Eye contact.

I froze, I was too afraid to move at all.

"Mr.Cake?" Cherry tugged my sleeve.

"Mr.Cake are you alright?"

"What's wrong with him Cherry?"

"I don't know Cherri"

I was internally panicking, as the Cherries were trying to get my attention.

Then Two started to move, entering the portal.

I wanted to run.

I wanted to cry.

But my body didn't allow me.

My eyes were glued to the green host infront of me.

"MR. CAKE!!" I soon snapped out of, just in time of Two to start charging toward us.

I shoved the Cherries out of the way just as Two ran towards us, charging straight into a tree.

One of his horns got stuck in the tree and Two the struggling to get it out.

I took this opportunity.

"GO! GO NOW!! Run to the hotel and warn the others!" I told, pointed in the direction to the hotel.

"Mr.Cake! What about you" Cherri asked in a panicking state.

"I-i'll be fine, just warn the others" I say as I got up, I know I might die while doing this but atleast the Cherries will be safe.

The Cherries ran away.

As soon as they were far enough, I began to run away.

I don't know how long it will take for Two to reach me but I'll try my best to avoid him.

This time, I'm alone.

I continued to run through the forest, I looked to the left and saw something green through the woods.

I stopped in my tracks  as Two charged, I fell backwards and Two slammed into the tree next to me.

They got up immediately.

I also got up and tried to make a run for it but my body froze. I couldn't move no matter how hard I try to.

I was levitated into the air, I looked behind me and saw Two raising their hand in the air. A green aura surrounding it, Two was using their powers!

Two clutch their hand and I could feel my insides starting to getting squished.

I couldn't breathe.

I couldn't plead for my life.

I started to cough up blood from the pressure being applied to my lungs.

I don't wanna die like this...

I wanna live...

I don't even know if the Cherries are safe!!


Help me...

My vision started to go black, I knew it was almost my time.
If I die maybe the others would be safe, but he would go after Four and the BFB contestants.

Maybe even the exitors...

I was about to take my last breath, until...


I dropped to ground, I was catching my breath. Coughing up blood ever so often.

Two let out and blood curtailing scream the entire world could hear while clutching his eye.

I look over to who made that shot and saw Taco, she held and gun in her hands and was backing away.

She noticed me and motioned me to run away.

I did as so, I got up and ran.

I didn't know how long I was running for but the next thing I knew was that I was out of the forest and the hotel was straight ahead.

"IT'S MR.CAKE!!!" I heard someone called out my name.

I look ahead and saw the Cherries, along with Trophy infront of them.

I was about to reach safety. When I suddenly felt something grab my arm.

Oh no....

Home... (bfb//ii crossover) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя