CHAPTER 8: I know him

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The entire lobby fell silent as Baseball glared at me. There was so much pressure on me I couldn't even speak.
I glanced over at Knife, he wore a look of concern on his face and he stared at the both of us.

"Well?" Baseball snapped at me with an intimating glare.

I was frightened by him, feeling weak and helpless against him. I gulped back the fear as I began stuttering my words, no sentences came out. By the second, Baseball looked like he was getting annoyed which made him more intimidating.

"Are you gonna tell me, what do you like know about Nickel" he snapped at me "Baseball-" OJ tried to but in but Baseball only glared at him.

"I just- I um-" I couldn't get the words out of my mouth.

"Well if you don't know what to say, then don't bother mentioning him to me" he saw as he began to walk away.

Oh no... I can't let him leave... He's my only chance to revive him.

"I KNOW HIM!" I blurted out, this made Baseball stop in his tracks and look back at me. God, that took a long time to say.


"You heard me! I know who Nickel is and I'm trying to-"

I stopped midway in my sentence. They don't know yet, they don't know he's gone. Now, all eyes were on me. Confused and concerned looks.

"I mean- does Nickel live here?" I questioned him.

"He used to, he got invited to participate in-"

"Tpot? Am I correct?" I interrupted Baseball's sentence.  I can tell more people were getting confused at the second, but I don't care right now.

"What! No- what even is Tpot? Nickel is competing in season 3 of inanimate insanity!" Baseball said sounding confused, and now so was I.

It didn't make since, could there be two Nickel's like there are two Bomby's.

"Cake" TestTube spoke up "why did you bring up your show?"


Soon, we all heard knocking on the hotel door. OJ went over and opened the door. There stood six people who some of the inhabitants here recognized.

"Mephone? What are you doing here?" OJ asked the visor wearing male.

"Nothing too big, just don't want another Marshmallow incident. Now, where is he..." The male wearing the visor looked stunned when he noticed me.

"Who is that?" He pointed me out, which made the others five look at me.

OJ sighed "Mephone, this is Cake. Cake this is mephone, the host of inanimate insanity" he introduced us to eachother.

The host! Maybe he can revived them!

"Well not to brag-"

"Your the host right?" I asked him immediately.

"Isn't that what OJ just said" the red head boy said, rolling his eyes.

"Well- if your the host, that means you can revive him!" I said, trying not to get my hopes up.

"Revive who?" He asked me.


I could hear gasps around the room, people whispering to eachother and Baseball glaring at me.

"Why would I do that? Nickel's missing not dead" he remarked, rolling his eyes.

"He's WHAT-!?"

"Can you please just try!"

Baseball blurted out and I begged for Mephone to try and recover him.

"Alright alright, jeez louise calm down" Mephone pinched the bridge of his visor. He brought his arm to his face and began to scroll like it was a phone. He pressed something and soon a statically silhouette  the size of Nickel appeared.
Unfortunately, the static silhouette glitched out and disappeared.

I was turing hopeless, it didn't work. Why didn't it work!?

"See, not dead just missing" Mephone remarked. 

"But that doesn't make up that fact that you lost one of your contestants!" Baseball snapped at him, jeez, he's acts weird when it comes to Nickel.

Then the five other people who came with mephone entered the lobby. Talking with the inhabitants, I noticed a girl with prosthetic legs looking at me and at the thing she was writing on. OJ was talking to Mephone about something and Baseball disappeared somewhere.

I wanted to go back to my room but TestTube stopped me.

"Hey Cake, can we talk?" She walked up to me and asked with Fan behind her.

"Uh- sure... What is it"

"Why did you bring up your destroyed gameshow? And Fan don't write this on your blog" Fan frowned as he put away his phone in his pocket.

I stayed quiet. I didn't know what to say or- how to explain it.

TestTube sighed at me not responding.

"Since you don't want to tell me, then we'll look through your memories" TestTube said.

Wait... What?

"Look through my memories?"

"Yes, and don't worry. I tested it on Fan, you'll still have your memories"

I stared at her, unsure whether or not trust her and the things she built. I was a guinea pig for one of Golfball's experiments, it did not end well.

"Why bring it up now?" I asked her.

"I didn't it to come to this, people's past can be troubling and may not want other people to see it. But in your case, this is sorta important" TestTube explained to me.


She smile and left to go get the machinery that goes through people's memories. Though I'm still unsure about this, they might see something they don't want to see. Fan and Baseball- I saw people close to them die infront of me.

My mind isn't a safe place for you right now...

Soon, TestTube returned with a weird lookin helmet and call everyone infront of the TV.

Home... (bfb//ii crossover) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora