CHAPTER 3: Settling in

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(Two days later)

I slowly opened the Infirmary door, I poked my head out and looked both ways.
No one in the hallway, good. I slowly got out of the infirmary and closed the door behind me as quietly as I can. I don't wanna get caught by one the inhabitants of the hotel.

I know OJ told me not to leave the Infirmary without someone to guide me but I didn't want to be a bother to anyone.

I began to quietly walk down the hallway, trying to the stairway. Walking pass a ton of doors, I soon saw one that had Nickel's name on it, and Balloony's but no 'Y' at the end.
Did Nickel use to live here?

I continued to walk down the hallway and soon found the stairway leading to the lobby.
I grabbed the railing and slowly made my way down, wincing everytime a step made a creaking noise.
I soon made it to the lobby and looked around. There was alot of orange decor, even the walls and floor were orange.
I looked at some of the pictures on the wall, the photos were young OJ and some other people. Tho I couldn't find TestTube or Soap in any of them, I think Knife was in one of the photos.

There was also one that said 'R.I.P Bow' with a picture of a girl with bows in her hair.
I guess she couldn't be revived after dying. Wait.
Do they even have a recovery machine?

I walked into an area with a bunch of tables, and I'm guessing that's where all of them eat.
I walked to the next room over, checkered floors and a counter sitting in the middle of the room. A classic look for a kitchen but at least there wasn't alot of orange in here.

N-not that I'm against the fact that the hotel owner really likes the color orange!

I just think there's too much of it that's all.

I soon found myself rummaging through the fridge. This is wrong, I shouldn't be going through other people's fridges without permission!

"Oh hey!" I heard someone say behind me. I froze up, thinking that I was done for. I slowly turned around to face the person.


"Hold on there, I'm not  OJ" the person said. I looked before me and saw a dark curly hair male wearing a muscle shirt and baggy pants.

My face turned red, I made a mistake.

"I'M REALLY SORRY" I blurted out once again.

"Hey, you don't have to worry about it. Your not in trouble or anything" the guy reassured.

"I'm Pickle btw, you must be the injured person Knife was talking about, just assuming that I never saw you around here" he said in a relaxed tone.

"My name is Cake" I introduced myself. Pickle walked passed me and opened the fridge.

"Want me to make a PB&J for ya? I came down here for one as well but I don't mind making another one" he said, talking out a can of soda and placing it on the counter before heading to the pantry.

"That be nice, but- isn't it too early to have a soda?" I asked.

"Actually, OJ banned me from soda after drinking to much and getting sick. So I secretly get one in the morning and hide it in my room" He said with a smile.
I joined him at the counter as he layed down the stuff. I took some bread and began to spread peanut butter on one slice of bread.

"I guess your making your own, huh?" He said.

"Yeah, I am" I shyly answered back.

I continued to to spread the jelly on the other slice of bread before placing them together.
Pickle reached for his drink but someone grabbed before he could.

"Wha-" Pickle looked up and saw who it is.

"I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to have this" it was OJ. He held the drink in the air before placing it back into the fridge.

"Really OJ?" Pickle sighed and began to eat his PB&J, "can I atleast have one later in the day?"
He begged.

"Just because you have a pretty face, doesn't mean your off the hook" OJ sternly said as he made himself a cup of coffee.

"Then how 'bout a kiss" Pickle flirted. Almost making OJ spit out his cup of coffee

I think they forgot that I'm here too.

I think I'm just going leave these two.

I exited the kitchen with my PB&J and found a place on the couch. I could hear the bickering from the living room.

As time flows by, more people come down to the lobby. Some of the people living here greeted me and I had a small conversation with someone, I was a bit shy since I don't know these people.
From what I heard, OJ was the season 1 winner and had this hotel made for everyone, I was also told to be aware of the Cherries pranks.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Soap cleaning the dishes, I wanted to help so I went up to her.

"Do you need some help?" I asked. She turned to me and smiled.

"That would be nice, you can start my drying these plates" She said. I complied, I grabbed a small towel and began drying off the plates.

"So, I guess this is your first time out of the infirmary, isn't it?" She said, trying to start a conversation, I nodded in response.

"Yeah, I was nervous to just waltz right in"

"Oh please, anyone is welcome in OJ hotel, everyone- err. Well most people are nice here"

"I can tell, tho Lightbulb so too energetic for me"

"Yeah she can be like that, but trust me. She's a nice person"

I smiled and continued to dry the dishes.

We were almost, when we started to hear arguing from the living room.

"Don't tell me..." Soap sighed.

"What?" I asked her. 

"It's just a certain someone loses way too many times against Pickle, stay here while I go clear up the problem. OJ already has alot on his plate" Soap placed down the dish in the sink and left.

I got curious, so I placed down the dish I was cleaning and went to check it out.

There in the living room, I saw Pickle and Soap talking to someone, I couldn't see them clearly.

I got bit closer and saw it was someone familiar, I shed a tear.

"Bomby?" I spoke out.

They stopped arguing and turned to me, confused.

"D-do i-i-i k-k-know y-you?"

(And we're back baby!)

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