CHAPTER 1: safe

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I slowly lifted him up a bit to check his wounds. I'm no expert but these wounds are serious, especially that side wound.

I picked him up bridal style and carried him out of the forest. I only got to the clearing when I notice suitcase running back with OJ and Testtube, thank god she was eliminated.

I mean- it isn't that good, but we really needed her.

The trio soon reached us, OJ and Testtube got a good look at his injuries.

"Golly! these wounds are very serious... I'm surpised he's still alive" Testtube exclaimed.

"Where did you guy's find him" OJ asked.

"we found him in the forest, Suitcase and I were taking a walk when we started hearing noises, and boom. here we are"

"Alright... C'mon guys, let's take him to the infirmary so Soap can heal him"

I nodded and we followed OJ back to the hotel.
We entered the buliding, eyes were on us.
I could hear people's quiet worries about the poor boy.
we walked up and flight of stairs and entered the infirmary. I placed him down on one of the beds. Testtube soon told me to change him into one of the hospital gowns before leaving with suitcase and OJ.

I did as told and called them back in, I sat down on a nearby chair and waited for them.

After a few minutes, Testtube and OJ entered with Soap following behind.

She gasp at the state of the boy. She quickly grabbed the disinfected and the bandages, and started to do her magic.

I chose to leave, it's been a long day.
I walked into the room I shared with Pickle, he was on his bed playing app games.

He look up from his phone.

"Holy shit dude... did you beat up someone?" he looked me up and down, taken in the blood cover my clothes.

"no, I was carrying an injured person"

"damn... how did that happen?"

I just shrugged as I changed into new clothes and threw the bloody ones away.
I flopped onto my bed exhusted.

"night dude..."


(a few weeks later)

I was playing games with Pickle and Bomb when I notice Soap walking down.
She walked over to us.

"Have you guys seen OJ or Testtube?"

"I think OJ is in his office and Testtube in her lab, why do you ask?"

"They told me to get them as soon as the boy wakes up, and todays it happened"

oh, so he finally woke up.

"can I go see him? I have a few questions"

"sure you can Knife! but be easy on the questions, he seems to be in a state of shock and hasn't talked yet"

I nodded and called MIc over to replace me, she nodded and took the controller. I got up from the couch and made my way to the infirmary.

I enetered the infirmary and there he was.
Sitting up on the bed, looking through the window was the injured boy.

I noticed two mechanical arms on the counter.
I guess he was born without arms.

I walked up to him and sat down at the end of the bed. He noticed me and seemed to tense up by my presence here.

"p-please d-don't hurt me..." he mutter out. What makes him think that? I'm not going to hurt him.

"chill, I'm not going to hurt you. just came for answers" I told him, he nodded and looked away.

Before I could ask him, I noticed blood seeping through the hospital gown. I jumped back a little before pointing it out for him, which got him a little scared.

"do you want me to change your bandages?" I asked and he nodded. I got up and walked over to the cabinet to grab the bandages.
I grabbed it and walked over to the boy.
He lifter the gown to make it a bit easier for me. I began wrapping the bandage around his waist, I kept noticing slight movements.

"too tight?"

He shook his head and I continued wrapping it around him. I cut off the bandage and sucured it with a metal piece.

"that should do it" I set the bangage aside, then the door open and Soap walked in with Testtube and OJ.

"oh, I didn't think I'd see you here Knife"

Testtube came forward with clipboard in hand.

"Hello, I'm Testtube. The person who you are with is Knife. The person who healed you is this lady here, her name is Soap and this is the hotel owner, OJ" She introduced all of us. Soap and OJ waved to him, but he didn't wave back.

"y-you're n-not going to h-hurt me... are you?"

"I can asure you, nobody at the hotel is going to harm you" OJ spoke up. Testtube did a light cough for her to continue talking without interruption.

"if you don't mind, I'd like to ask you a few questions" She asked, he nodded in response. I guess I don't get to ask him questions now. damn, I guess I can just listen.

"Alright... qestion 1: what is your name?"

"I'm... Cake..."

Jessica_The_Nobody how did you figure it out!!

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