CHAPTER 13: Picnic

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I waited in the dining room for Soap and the Cherries. We planned a picnic along with Salt, Pepper, Cabby, and OJ. He got dragged into this by Salt, but atleast he got to bring Balloon.

"Ugh, finally... We can go now" Salt groaned. She grabbed OJ's hand and dragged him outside with the rest of us following them.
I held the picnic blanket in my arms while Soap carried the basket with all the food.

As we were walking, I noticed Balloon walking far behind the rest of us with his head down.
I slowed down my pace so I can walk next to him. Soon enough we were walking next to eachother with an awkward silence between us.

"What do you want?" Balloon asked, noticing I was next to him.
"Oh um... I noticed you were walking far from the group so I just thought..." I replied, not knowing what to say next.

"That's nice I guess..." He said, I noticed a slight smile which made me smile bit.
We continue walking behind the group, in the flower field looking for a place to set up.

"What was Nickel like at Tpot?" Balloon spoke up and asked.

"Well I didn't know him at first, when we participated in BFB. But when we ended on the same team we became quite close". I said with a smile, remember all the times we spent together.

"I mean his personality, was he a sarcastic brat over there too?"

"No, he didn't even know what sarcasm was. He was sweet, kind, and not that smart but he was always there for me"

"That sounds nothing like Nickel" Balloon laughed before walking away over to OJ.
OJ was calling us to come over 'cause they found a good spot.
I walked over to them and placed the blanket on the ground, all of us sat down while the Cherries ran around the flower field.

Soap handed out the food and we began to eat. Cabby was asking me questions to add to her file, Salt cling onto OJ while talking to Pepper.  Soap was watching the Cherries from where she sat, And OJ and Balloon we're talking to eachother.
It seemed to be going well, be then I heard a rustle coming from the bush nearby.
I look over and saw a figure disappeared quickly, and I think I know who it could be.

"Hey Cake?" Cabby poked my shoulder which caught my attention. "Huh? Oh right sorry Cabby" I quickly apologized.

"Cake is there something wrong over there? I can go check it out if you want" Cabby offered but I quickly declined, rubbing it off as if it was nothing.
"Well if you say so" Cabby mumbled out. We continue to create a file on me for Cabby, but time to time I'd look back to the bush.
So I secretly took another sandwich out of the basket and hid while the other's were distracted.

Soon enough, Cabby was in her own bubble writing in a spare file she kept.
I watched as the Cherries played with Balloon, dragging him in all sorts of games. I occasionally join them, usually for the more peaceful ones.
I talked with Salt and Pepper about fashion and other things. Salt talked alot about OJ, who was laying down at the moment.

Minutes went by and it was now around 5 p.m, and everyone agreed it was time to head back. OJ helped Soap clear up the leftover crumbs on the blanket. Once they were done, I grabbed the blanket and hid the sandwich inside.

Everyone started to head in the direction of the hotel while I stayed behind at the spot. "HEY GUYS!! I'LL CATCH UP SOON, I JUST NEED TO DO SOMETHING!!" I yelled at them. I heard a distant "ok" from them, I smiled and went into the forest.

After walking for awhile I found myself in a random clearing in the forest with a stump nearby. Behind a tree was a silhouette of someone short, I instantly knew who it was.

"Um, hello? It's me Cake, we've met two days ago" I called out to her. "Ah yes, I remember you" the silhouette appeared from behind the tree.

"What are you doing here?" She asked "well I came to uh- give you this" I took out the sandwich I stole from the picnic basket from inbetween the blanket. I held it out for her to grabbed.
She stared at the sandwich for awhile before rushing up to me and snatching it out of my hand. I watched as she hurriedly gobbled it down. "I thought you might be hungry since you've been living in the forest an- and I thought-"

"You pity me?" She asked in confusion"y'know I'm stranded out here for a reason" she said with some drama in her voice.
I took a seat on the stump and patted the spot next to me. She reluctantly sat next to me and continued to eat.

"Your to kind for this world..." Taco muttered as she stopped eating. "Why are you doing this?"

"Well everyone deserves a second chance (lol reference)" I said.

"Everyone except me" she said "why do you say that?" I asked the short girl.

"You don't want to know, my bad mouth could ruin your innocent" she jokingly says, chuckling at the end. "Well there's a girl from my world" I said which seemed to get Taco's attention. "She was nice to everyone-"

"Why are you telling me this?" Taco asked, interrupting my story. I just smiled and continued, "she was one of the kindest people I've met. From what I know, she made it to the final two, against her friend". I paused for a moment before continuing, "her friend won against her, what he won was an island, dream island".

"What!? An entire Island!? How is that even possible?" She asked, I just giggled and continued with the story.
"Her friend got to choose who enters and who doesn't, he invited everyone onto the island except her"

"Why did he do that?"

"From what I know, he was angry and when he didn't let her on. She got angry and stole the island"

"I mean, I would've gotten angry if I was her. But I don't understand, why are you telling me this" Taco asked. I'm glad she interested in the story "well just wait and listen" I said.

"After years of hiding, she returned and well, no one wanted her there. Years of trying, we all forgave her and tried to forget the incident" I finished the story.

"Well I should get going then, but just think about the story" I said as I got up from the stump and began to walk away.

"Hey Cake" I hear Taco calling out to me I turned to look at her. "You really are too kind for this shitty world"

I smiled and continued to walk away, thinking about what Taco just said.

I soon arrived back at the hotel, once I entered I was instantly greeted by a worried Salt. "Where did like you go Cake!! I got so worried!?!?" She asked, grabbing my shoulder and shaking me violently.

"Somewhere, I'm sorry I worried you" I apologized to her, grabbing her hands to make her stop shaking me. Salt soon let go of me and we made our way to our rooms.

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