"Ah, this boat is nice," he said taking in the dash. He lifted a flap I missed which revealed the key hole, I let out a sheesh. "You going to get groceries or something?" He asked curiously handing me the key back and raising his eyebrows.

"Yes," I responded far too quickly. My response already gave me away, Charles smirked and leaned against the railing.

"With a book bag, map, and water bottle," his voice raised with his question as he looked at my belongings.

"Sure am," I said not very convincingly.

"Florence, what are you up to today," he asked amused. "You're not running away are you?"

"No," I scoffed and I couldn't help the smile that crept on my face.

"You smile when you lie," Charles said knowingly. "If I was a betting man, that map contains locations for Count of Monte Cristo filming spots."

My mouth fell open by his guess. "What the. How'd you know?"

"Lucky guess," Charles let out a little chuckle. "AND I overheard you telling Pierre about it this morning," Charles admitted.

"So you're spying on me?" I said as a playful challenge.

"Well we are on a boat and you two were talking loudly over the music during the workout. I think it was more of you interrupting my coffee and book on the top deck."

"Ah there it is."

Charles smile fell and I could tell he was thinking. "Funnily enough, I was planning on doing something similar tomorrow, but I don't think I'll have time."

Mmmhmm, escaped out of me. I narrowed my eyes at him expecting what was coming next.

"Can I join you? You can say no," he asked straight to the point.

I let silence surround us for a moment, thinking myself. Charles was better at navigating than I was, especially on a boat. I knew how much he loved the book and it would be nice to have company of someone who enjoyed this as much as me. There was a safety aspect I ignored solely for wanting to take this day trip. Then finally, the last reason I was trying to avoid by getting out of here so fast. In some ways I wanted Charles to join, I was just to stubborn to ask so I banked on a clean escape. "You can join," I said giving in to myself which earned a smile from Charles.

Charles clapped his hands and let his smile grow showing off his dimples. "Yes! Alright, let me change shoes and grab a water. Then I'll captain us to the spots if you want."

"Please," I replied truthfully. My gaze followed him while he moved quickly and pulled himself back on the yacht. Barely anytime had passed when I heard running feet return. He tossed me his water bottle and towel which I caught, then he jumped in the boat.

"Map me," he said cheekily holding out his hand. I giggled while I handed him the keys. Instead of handing over the map though, I waved him over to look at it with me. There was no way I was letting go of control for this little trip.

"I think we start here," I said pointing out the spot I circled earlier on the trip. Charles bent over the map looking closely. I saw his finger land on where we currently were anchored, then watched as he carefully dragged his finger along the coast to the spot I had marked.

"Ah, the Santa Marija Tower. The Château d'If. Good starting point," Charles said pulling his hand away from the map.

My jaw dropped when he identified the spot correctly. "Maybe you're a bigger nerd than me," I let out quietly.

Charles leaned up and looked at me. "I told you I did some research, and it is my favorite book," he said playfully.

I couldn't help but smile when we made eye contact. "Maybe, but only if you get us there."

Charles returned my smile and turned to the dashboard starting the engine. I took a seat next him and pulled my sunglasses on.

I heard a yell from above and saw Lando and Laurie poke their heads over the railing of the top deck. From here I could see Laurie giving me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes behind my sunglasses and gave a wave in return.

Charles had to drive in front of the boat where Kika and Pierre were lounging. We seemed to have gotten their attention too. Pierre had taken off his sunglasses and looked over to Kika. While we were moving away, I could see them smiling at each other while I waved their way.

With that, Charles upped the engine and we were moving quickly on the water. I could see his profile as he was driving. It was too loud and windy to talk, so I only studied him. He had a smile glued to his face, his sunglasses were on now too, and he looked at ease.

I felt the same way while I looked out to the sea. The unfolding of events felt right, and I couldn't fight my reservations anymore.

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