Act 2 - Chapter 10

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Nico stood in the throne room, waiting for Zeus to address him. So far, he had praised the gods, the Seven, the Hunt, and Reyna. He had spoken of their deeds and given each of the Seven and Reyna a reward.

"And finally," Zeus announced, "Nico di Angelo!"

Nico, despite the nerves wracking him, stepped up in front of the crowd and bowed to his father before kneeling at his Zeus's feet.

"Your service in the name of Olympus has gone unrewarded for far too long," Zeus said. "As a council, we have previously discussed what would be a suitable reward for your deeds."

Nico couldn't help it when his eyes widened in surprise at the slight fondness of his uncle's voice and the fact that he was actually receiving a reward and not a 'good job' like the last time.

"We have decided to offer you a wish, as well as our blessings," Zeus announced. "Do you accept the honor of being the first Champion of Olympus?"

Whispers burst out behind him and Nico, with his newly enhanced sense that he received from his mark, could hear every one.

"What did he do that's so special?"

"He didn't do anything like Percy!"

"This isn't fair! Death Spawn doesn't deserve anything like this."

Nico felt tears prick at his eyes as he heard his peers' opinions. His friends hadn't said anything, but the Greek Camp was a cacophony of hushed words. They were all spoken in low tones but the disgust and hate in their voice was clear.

"Enough!" Percy suddenly shouted, his eyes blazing with anger. "Nico is worth ten of all of you! He saved our asses in the Titan War and almost faded to do it again this time around! He jumped into Tartarus to try and save anyone else from that fate! How dare you all say such things?" He whirled to face Annabeth, who hadn't been one of the few to stay quiet. "And you! You should know better than anyone how much respect he deserves! We fell, but he willingly jumped! He is ten times the hero I will ever be and if I ever hear any of you insulting him again, I will not hesitate to hurt you."

Nico felt warmth swell inside of him and he smiled. He didn't need the approval of strangers. He had his friends and his family. He said, "I would be honored to accept, Lord Zeus."

"Then, rise," Zeus said. "No Champion of ours need bow to us."

Nico rose and looked up just as fourteen beams of light hit him in the chest. He expected pain, but all he felt was just a pleasant warm feeling. He felt power seep into him and he looked around at the gods in shock. He hadn't expected them all to bless him.

"And your wish, Champion?" Zeus asked.

Nico looked around at the crowd behind him and made his decision. "I wish for strengthened borders around both camps."

After the gods had fulfilled everyone's wishes and the demigods had all left, Nico was asked to stay behind.

"Yes, my lords and ladies?" he asked politely.

"We want you to know what we blessed you with," Hestia said kindly. "I give you hope. You can give hope or take it away."

"I give you fire, like my son, Leo, had," Hephaestus said. Nico didn't have the heart to tell him that he could already wield hellfire. He supposed it would be helpful to have another kind of flame.

"I give you immunity to any form of mind control or possession," Hera said, brushing his hair out of his eyes in a motherly fashion.

"I give you lightning, like my daughter, Thalia."

"I gave you the gift of change," Poseidon said with a wink.

"I give you anger," Ares said with a smirk. "Use it wisely."

Aphrodite kissed him on the cheek and whispered, "I give you love. You can sense it and give it a little shove. Trust him."

"I give you moonlight," Artemis said. "Draw from it in your times of need."

Dionysus smiled at him. "I give you immunity to insanity."

"I give you truth," Apollo said, "to know when others are deceiving you."

"I give you the knowledge of agriculture," Demeter sniffed. "I've always said you could use a few hours of farmwork."

Hades groaned in annoyance before saying, "I give you the fears of others. Use this knowledge well."

"I give you lies and acceptance," Hermes said. "Accept yourself and others."

"I give you wisdom," Athena said.

"Thank you," Nico said, bowing slightly. "What does my title of Champion entail?"

"You're like an ambassador for us. You'll be how we communicate with other pantheons," Zeus explained. "We are proud of you, Nephew."

Nico took notice of how Hades said nothing, but it didn't bother him. His dad was proud of him. His family was proud of him. He didn't need Hades's approval.

He excused himself after giving the gods permission to contact him when they needed something. He frowned when he realized he had no way to get back to Life yet. He was out of energy for his shadow travel.

"What are you thinking about?"

Nico turned to see Apollo leaning against a pillar. "I am trying to figure out how to keep a promise I made."

Apollo quirked an eyebrow. "It wouldn't happen to have something to do with that lily on your neck, would it?"

Nico nodded slowly, forcing down a blush.


He nodded again.

"Was that his price for the scepter?"

Another nod.

Apollo sighed. "He should never have forced you into it."

Nico tilted his head with a small smile. "He didn't."

"As long as you gave consent, then I approve," Apollo said, ruffling Nico's hair. "Want a ride?"

Nico beamed at him and nodded, allowing Apollo to take his arm and teleport them away from Olympus.

Almost immediately after they appeared where Nico had first met Life, Apollo was shoved away by an invisible force that Nico knows was Life. He knew Life was checking him for injuries and he chuckled. "I'm fine," he promised. "I had some ambrosia and it healed me right up."

"Don't lie to me, Love. Why'd Apollo bring you here?"

Nico grumbled about almost fading under his breath and how Kayla had banned him from shadow travel.

Life let out an odd strangled noise. "I'm never letting you out of my sight again," he said weakly.

Apollo quickly left after mentally sending Life instructions for his recovery.

"I can take care of myself," Nico said with a small scowl.

"I know," Life said, pressing his forehead against Nico's. "But that doesn't mean you have to. Let me take care of you, Angel."

Nico sighed. "Okay."

"Now tell me everything. I want to know what's happened since ai last saw you."

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