Act 1 - Chapter 1

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Hadrian "Harry" Potter stood in front of Number Four Privet Drive with his fist raised to knock. He took a deep breath before doing so. The door opened to reveal a walrus-like man named Vernon Dursley.

"Get inside, Freak, before the neighbors see!" Vernon snarled.

Harry obediently followed, going to his prison-like room. He was locked in, his school things taken to be locked under the stairs. Luckily, he was still allowed Hedwig, his snowy owl.

See, Harry wasn't a normal fourteen-year-old boy. He was a wizard, and a famous one at that. As a baby, he had "killed" a dark lord named Voldemort. Well, Tom Riddle, but you get the gist. Harry attended a school for magic named Hogwarts, where he was in the House of Gryffindor.

Hogwarts was his home, his safe place. Well... safe might be pushing it.

In his first year, he nearly died protecting a super powerful stone from Voldemort, who was possessing his professor. Yeah, an artifact that a killer wanted was kept in a boarding school. Genius, right?

Anyway, in his second year, there was a basilisk petrifying muggleborns and Harry had gone into a secret chamber to save his best friend's little sister and fought said basilisk. He wielded a sword given to him by a bird and killed it before defeating the mastermind behind it all.

In his third year, his godfather had escaped from Azkaban and went on the run. Everyone, including Harry, thought he was after Harry. Turned out, he was innocent and was after a rat who was a man who had betrayed Harry's parents and gotten them killed. Also, his professor was a werewolf and had been dating said godfather before he was arrested. Plus, there were tons of dementors that affected him way worse than everyone else, resulting in his near death several times.

Finally, the past year, fourth year. He was entered into a deadly tournament as a fourth competitor, despite being underage. He had to fight dragons, mermaids, and many other creatures. In the end, he and the other Hogwarts champion (a boy named Cedric that Harry had a crush on) got transported to a graveyard, where Harry watched a newly reborn Voldemort kill him and was tortured using the Cruciatus Curse before he escaped with Cedric's body.

So, yeah, maybe Hogwarts wasn't necessarily safe, but it was still home. He had friends there. Hermione, Luna, Neville, Fred, George, and Ron. Fred and George were like older brothers to him, and Neville and Luna were great friends. His relationship with Ron and Hermione was kind of rocky at the moment. While they went through a lot with Harry, Ron also left him during the beginnings of the tournament, a time when Harry needed him the most, and Hermione just played mediator instead of standing up for him.

The problem, however, was that the Dursleys despised any sort of abnormality, which meant magic and, by correlation, Harry.

There was also the small little secret of his that he never told anyone: he could see reapers. At least, he was fairly sure they were reapers. He had never actually asked one, but there was one that followed him everywhere and he saw others reaping souls occasionally.

He had briefly debated telling Hermione and Ron fourth year, but dismissed that thought when Ron left him and Hermione only played mediator. He had trust issues and they had completely demolished the level of trust he had in his friends.

Anyway, Harry was locked in his room. He looked around, taking in the bars on the windows, the cat flap in the door (used to push food in), and the bed shoved in the corner. There was dust everywhere and his cousin had clearly come in to mess everything up.

He set Hedwig on the small table and got to cleaning the best he could with the limited supplies he had. When he was done, the room was less dusty, the things Dudley had thrown about were neatly organized, and his bed was made.

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