Act 1 - Chapter 2

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During the rest of that summer, Harry trained. He trained with weapons as well as his magic. Being in Hell was a fairly good way of staying hidden and the Ministry couldn't sense his magic after Death took away the tracer.

By the time he was to return to Hogwarts, he was not only stronger, he was also much more mature. Being the Master of Death and having all his knowledge made him more mature than he had been. He had a greater control over his emotions, but he was also significantly more sadistic when the person in question deserved it. He was like death, peaceful for the innocent and torturous for the wicked.

He shuddered at the thought of Hogwarts. He would be stuck with a bunch of hormonal children, learning things he already knew. He would be stuck there for nine months and there was likely to be some kind of plot to kill him.

Before he came to Hell, Hogwarts was his home. His escape. Now, though, Hell was his home. He lived with Remus and Sirius there peacefully. Death had quickly become included in Harry's little family, along with several reapers. Sure, it was an unconventional family, but it was his.

"Remember your task, Hadrian," he whispered to himself, looking around the platform for his friends. "Don't get distracted." His task was to find Life and Creation's masters. He had gotten the information that they were at Hogwarts and aware of their positions, but Death's siblings wouldn't tell them anything else.

Harry spotted the twins standing with Lee Jordan on the other side of the platform and quickly weaved through the crowd. His stuff was already on the train, so he wasn't worried about it.

The twins saw him and grinned brightly. They loved Harry because he was one of the first to recognize them as two separate people. He could also always tell them apart, which even their own mother had trouble doing. "Harry!" Fred greeted, ruffling the younger boy's hair. "You riding with Ronnikins and Mione on the train?"

Harry frowned. "No," he said. "I actually don't know who I'm going to ride with yet."

The two didn't seem all that surprised that he wasn't going to be riding with the two. They had seen how they had acted the previous year and had gotten letters from Harry over the summer, while Ron had received none. "Well, we'd be honored to join you," George said.

"Lee is going off with his girlfriend," Fred agreed. "Did you grab a compartment?"

Harry grinned and led them to the compartment he had found. When he entered, he found two people already there and talking quietly. His eyes widened as he felt their auras. The other masters!

"Hullo, Harry," Neville said. "Are you three going to come in?"

Harry nodded and quickly sat. The compartment was one of the largest and easily big enough for six people to fit comfortably. George and Fred sat on either side of Harry, almost protectively.

"So," Harry said slowly, "I suppose you knew before I did?"

The Weasleys looked at him weirdly but the other two shook their heads. "No," Luna said softly. "Creation found me after Death found you. Nev said Life found him after me."

Harry chuckled. "I meant, you knew who I was before I walked in here. Death said he shared more information than his siblings did. I only knew you attended Hogwarts."

Neville sighed. "I'll talk to him," he promised. "He should be more open."

Luna nodded in agreement. "And I'll talk to Creation. She's stubborn, but she'll cooperate."

"Hold up, what is going on?" Fred asked, looking between them all with wide eyes.

Harry explained before smiling in amusement. "I told you I was in Hell."

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