Act 1 - Chapter 7

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Harry entered Death's office. "I want her dead by the end of the year," he said immediately.

Death, immediately knowing who he spoke of, asked, "Why the sudden rush?"

"She hurt my Dragon," Harry said stiffly. "I'm getting her out of the school by the end of Winter Break and I want her dead by summer."

Death's eyes widened. "Draco?"

Harry nodded, his eyes glowing with rage. "Draco Malfoy is mine. No one touches him. Not Umbridge, not Riddle, not even your siblings."

"Then it seems you have a bigger problem than the professor," Death said.

Harry's eyes narrowed. "What?"

"Lucius Malfoy is set to die in the final confrontation with Riddle. He would be on that list I sent you."

Harry spun on his heel. "Have the servants prepare two extra rooms next to mine," he called over his shoulder as he left the office and stormed towards the training center.

He began to spar with a few of the reapers, his anger only making his strikes more dangerous and precise. His sword sliced through the air and towards Gerald, who barely blocked in time.

When Harry had finished training for the morning, he waved goodbye and cleaned up before deciding to get ready for his date. He looked through the clothes that Death had provided for him when he moved in. Eventually, he chose a deep green dress shirt with black slacks and dress shoes. His hair, which was starting to become more tame as he got older, was left alone, as Harry didn't have time to bother with it.

He met Draco at the carriages and they rode together to Hogsmeade. "So, what was your errand?" Draco asked quietly.

"After," Harry said. "For now, let's just enjoy this."

Draco agreed with a smile.

The date was amazing and both thoroughly enjoyed their time together. They had lunch at a nice restaurant and afterwards went Christmas shopping.

Harry got Draco a promise ring, though he didn't plan to give it to him until Valentine's. For Christmas, he got him many art supplies, such as a new sketchbook, new charcoal, pastels, pencils, paints, and brushes. He got him some canvases as well.

For Scorpius, Harry also got several gifts. He bought him a custom wand holster that had a scorpion etched into it, along with his name. The second thing he got him was an easily concealable, beautiful knife. The third thing was actually something he ended up getting for Draco as well: necklaces that he would make into reusable portkeys to their rooms in Hell.

For Neville, Harry bought several expensive and rare seeds, knowing that Neville would love them. For Luna, he bought a jewelry making set, so she could keep making her fun accessories. For Fred, he bought a white niffler, which are the ones that are less likely to straight up steal and more likely to just be mischievous. For George, he bought him his own owl, so they didn't have to keep using the school owls. For the both of them, he decided to buy them a deed to a shop in Diagon Alley [he had given his winnings to Cedric's father instead].

He bought Sirius a new leather jacket and Remus a set of new books. For Death, he bought a set of knives that looked extremely wicked. For his reaper friends, Gerald and Lucy, he bullied Death into giving them some time off.

After making sure everything that he bought was safely hidden in his expandable bag, he and Draco rode back to Hogwarts together, where they sat down to have that talk Harry had been insisting they save until after Hogsmeade.

"I know about Lucius," Harry said softly.

Draco's eyes widened and he glanced at the door, as if wondering if he could make an escape. He couldn't. "What do you mean?" he asked, keeping his voice carefully controlled.

"Draco," Harry caressed his cheek lovingly, "how long has he been hurting you two?"

"He has never hurt Scorpius," Draco said. "I would never let him. It's better that I get hurt than my baby brother."

Harry sighed and laid his head on Draco's chest, listening to his heartbeat and using that to keep himself from murder. When he had calmed down enough, he sat back. "He won't ever hurt either of you again," he said.

"You killed him?" Draco hated how his heart jumped at the thought of being free, even if it meant Harry had to commit murder.

"No," Harry admitted with a scowl, "but I set up rooms for you and Scorpius by mine at my home."

"In Hell?" Draco asked. "Is that really a good place for Scorpius to be?"

Harry nodded seriously. "The palace is completely safe for those who have permission to be there. He won't have to hear the screams of the damned and I'll have a reaper guarding him at all times, in case someone does manage to get in."

Draco smiled a bit. "Thank you, Harry. Are we staying here for Winter Break then or do I have to explain to Scorpius about why we're not going back sooner?"

"I was hoping to return for Winter Break, but I understand if you would rather stay here. I will remain with you."

"Let's go," Draco decided. "I want to meet your family."

After their talk, they went to find Scorpius and tell him that they would be going with Harry for Winter Break.

"Is it because Father hits you?" Scorpius had quietly asked.

Draco froze, having thought that Scorpius was unaware of the abuse. Slowly, he nodded. "Yeah, Scorp. It's because of Father."

Scorpius gave Harry a big hug and said, "Thank you."

Harry hugged him back tightly before pulling away and saying, "I have some planning to do, but I'll see you tomorrow."

Umbridge was going to regret ever messing with his Dragon.


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