Act 1 - Chapter 4

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Draco showed up at the library at exactly five o'clock, Scorpius beside him. He spotted Harry sitting with Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, George and Fred Weasley, and Lee Jordan.

He hesitated to go over, but when Scorpius bounded ahead, he had no choice but to follow. He smiled at Harry and said, "Hey, thanks for the invitation. What are we working on?"

He was surprised to see that everyone smiled back. "Well, we're all going over History of Magic," Neville said. "We learned about the war with You-Know-Who today, and Harry is really good at it. No surprise there."

Harry smirked. "War has a lot of death, Nev, not life. Of course I'm better at it than you."

Draco didn't understand how that had anything to do with it, but one of the twins (Draco couldn't tell which) said, "He got you there, Neville."

They began studying and Draco found that Harry really was good at History of Magic. He was not only helping them, but also the sixth years and Scorpius. It wasn't long before he had his essay completed and understood the material.

After History of Magic, they finished up other subjects before just talking. Draco was sure he had never laughed more than he did that night. The twins were telling a story about a prank they pulled on Severus and were explaining with a lot of dramatic motions and exaggerated tones.

He also really appreciated that they all accepted and cared about Scorpius. His younger brother was the most important person in his life and the fact that they were welcoming him with open arms meant a lot.

When it was almost curfew, Madam Pince came over to warn them (she had apparently begun to like the group), so they all went back to their separate dorms. Draco got ready for bed before lying down in his bed. Luckily, the other boys were asleep and couldn't see his wide smile. He fell asleep that night, thinking about his new friends and the happy feeling bubbling in his heart.

The next morning he woke up before everyone and was at the Great Hall before anyone else was even awake. With nothing to do, he decided to start a new drawing. See, Draco loved art. It didn't matter what form of art it was. He pulled his sketchbook from his bag along with his supplies. Flipping through the pages, he smiled. Most of the drawings were of Scorpius or his mother, with a few of Harry mixed in and some landscapes. He had a few self portraits, but they were less frequent than even Harry's.

He stopped at the next empty one and began to draw the twins. The memory was clear in his mind. They were walking away from a victorious quidditch match together, smiling and laughing gaily. He had been so jealous of their bond that day, wishing he had his brother beside him.

He smiled in satisfaction when he was done and put it away, noticing that several other students and professors had trickled into the Hall

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He smiled in satisfaction when he was done and put it away, noticing that several other students and professors had trickled into the Hall. He searched for one of his new friends and found Harry walking in with Neville. They were chatting with wide smiles.

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