Chapter 29 - Legitimate Contentment

Start from the beginning

Another man approaches him on his stand with a chuckle.

"Hehe. Hey Gavion! Any news about that fruit dealer from the past week?"

"Oh, him? Unfortunately, I heard that he got ambushed by some bandits in the Gargan Forest. I think their leader was that man called the Jackal."

"Him? Is he that fucker residing by the hill just near the border?"


"I see. What a shame. Anyways..."

His friend then gets close to him for a whisper.

"Psst! I heard some rumors that there was this one woman who could get you rich if you worked under her!"

"What? Where did you hear that humor?"

"My underground friends that were residing near the Castle told me about this. They said that a few people were secretly hired by that woman and witnesses said that the people that were hired are now living rich inside that Castle!"

Gavion lets out a chuckle.

"Hehehe. Are you seriously believing in those rumors? Come on."

"Really! Man, if this thing turns out to be true, I swear I will volunteer myself to work there!"

"Alright, alright, yeah, yeah. You should go back to your post."

"See you when I get rich! Haha!" his friend bid farewell.

As his friend exits the scene, Gavion lets out another sigh and continues on with his work as usual throughout the day.




The day was uneventful like any other day. Gavion packs his merchandise to prepare to go back home. However, as he finishes up, he hears a woman whispering nearby.

"Over here....."

Surprised, he looks in the assumed direction of the whisper, but no one is in sight. I think it is just a hallucination, he goes back to his merchandise only for the whispering to go back again.

"Over here....."

The whispering of the woman's voice continues. Surprised again, he looks in the same direction until seconds later, it replies.


He looks at a strange dark alleyway where the whispering is coming from.

"Hello? Is someone there?" he asked but no one replied.


As if the whispering voice is telling him to go inside the dark alley. With no one else around, he puts his merchandise into his secured wagon and proceeds to carefully check out the dark alleyway to see who is calling him out.

"He-Hello? Are you calling for me?"

To be sure, he grabs his hidden pocket knife for his protection. 


Finally, inside the dark alleyway, the whispering stops, and all of a sudden, he feels extremely tired and sleepy.

"Wha-...." he fumbles down to the ground. He tries to stand straight but is unable to do so for some reason. With a knee on the ground and a hand on his pocket knife, he struggles to pay attention to what is in front of him.

*Fufu~ Look's like my hunch is correct~ You will be perfect for the role~" 

The woman then presented herself, appearing herself out of the shadows. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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