five || tree's embrace

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chapter five.
tree's embrace

Fallon had to admit there was a level of delight she felt whenever she allowed Dalaia off the leash, so to speak.

Not without a sliver of jealousy did she approach the scene. Dalaia had surged back into the camp with vigour and knocked Astarion clean to the ground. He had made an odd sound when he'd fallen, like the air puffed from a duck feather pillow, gathering his wits soon enough after to begin cursing her with a sharp tongue. A wall of stone, Dalaia remained steady with the pressure of her boot atop his chest, flicking her head over her shoulder as Fallon approached at a measured pace. 

Astarion followed her gaze after unsuccessfully attempting to wrench the boot off. Fallon came to a stop a few feet away, not hazarding any closer, lest he turn his attention on her footwear. His eyes, narrowed and sharp, eased at the sight of blood.

"You know, if you go out hunting, you're usually meant to bring the prey home with you." Astarion said with a slight wheeze.

"No need to bring prey back when it's already here."

"I promise you, I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Is this really necessary?" Marth muttered, having surfaced from the side of the river. His eyes flickered between the three before resting on Fallon. "If you changed your mind, there's probably a more civilised way of asking him to leave."

Fallon ignored him for she had found Orikas. Head angled low, a glower set on his face, she could see subterfuge forming on his lips.

"Did you know?" She demanded curtly, though he did not need to reply for her suspicions to be realised. "Right. So you both have something to explain. Who's first?"

"Well I'd love to, if you'd call off your dog first." 

Astarion's words were punctuated with a pained grunt. Dalaia had dug in her heel and twisted. Her face did not strain with effort, in fact there was something close to serenity in her bemused expression. She was quite content in violence.

As much as it gave her satisfaction to see him squirm after the blows her ego had suffered, Fallon was no sadist. She sighed and gestured for Dalaia to loosen up. Dalaia pouted but lifted her foot, allowing Astarion to slide from below and find his feet.

"Any weird shit and we can go round two."

"Oh no, I wouldn't dream of it." Astarion replied, his tone implying quite the opposite. For the second time since she had met him, Fallon watched the man dust himself off. "Look, next time you want the truth, maybe just ask?"

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