Forty - two / Yakuza sword

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong with Tiffany?" I ask frowning my eyebrows while staring at him.

Tiffany took my disappearance harder than anybody would have expected. With Nonna so attached to her, she quickly became as part of the family as any of us was, bringing out the kindest kid she could be.

Later on, I found out I saved Tiffany from the claws of an aggressive pimp she had been sold to, and living now in Nonna's house, under everybody's protection, she was happy to finally behave her age, a spoiled teenager of sixteen.

But Nonna's death changed her. She became rebellious giving everybody hard times, especially being upset with me, being dead at first, and then coming back and not spending time with her.

She is lonely, I know that. I should give her more time and now seems the perfect moment.

I'm not going to go for Mia yet. I'm going to give her the time she needs. I just don't know how long I can put up with it.

"Get ready, then. We leave tonight," I finally tell Charles and he suddenly cheers up.

Damn, Tiffany must drive everybody crazy.

"And get rid of this," I tell him with a cringe in my voice, showing him the wooden box.

The trip to Napoli was long and tiring. I tried to rest but the only thing I could do was gulp whiskey and think of Mia, of our night together, grateful for how comfortable I felt when diving into those memories of her beautiful eyes getting lost in my hungry ones, the memories of her lips rounding in perfect O's while I pound into the depth of her core, making her muscles tighten around my manhood and throwing me into a whirlpool of sensation I never felt with any other woman.

The whiskey was the only one that made my brain numb enough to forget that my Mia was rejecting me after allowing me to taste the poison I'll never be able to leave without, the taste of her.

Too drunk to be able to have a decent conversation and too awake to be able to sleep, I hid in my home office the second we arrived at the estate in Napoli. I ordered Charles to send me new pictures of Mia, to ease the longing, if it's in any way possible, and allow nobody to enter.

I stayed there for hours and hours until the night became pitch black and the only noise one could hear was the chimes of my phone, receiving pictures.

Mia finally went to sleep at some point but I still requested pictures of the location, specific angles, drawing blueprints in my head, and identifying hidden places where Benito could have extracted Mia from the place and taken her to another. It can happen at any second of the twenty-four hours of the day.

In the deadly silence of my room, I can hear the door opening and I raise my eyes from the screen of the phone, landing on a visibly disturbed Tiffany coming in with the accuracy of a severely intoxicating drinker.

She glued her eyes on me, frozen in the frame door and holding herself tightly on the doorknob, holding a disgusted stare in her eyes.

"Look who decided to finally come back from the dead," she hardly mumbles.

"Cosa stai facendo qui?" I asked her coldly and she smiled moving around the closing the door slowly. (What are you doing here?)

I follow her steps with an absent mind, almost pissed to having been interrupted from the thoughts about Mia my heart melts when I see Tiffany crouching next to my chair and laying her head on my leg, keeping that smile on her face.

"Mi sentivo solo e mi mancavi così tanto," she replies. (I felt lonely and I missed you so much).

I haven't spent too much time with her after bringing her to Nonna's house but I guess she sees a savior in me and who she's actually missing is Nonna, maybe even more than I miss her.

"The Don between the covers" |18+| (Book3 - Mafia in love) - UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now