Twenty - eight / The woman who reigns my Heaven

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          The world around me blasts into million pieces and a sharp noise thrusts my left ear traveling its way to the right one, piercing my brain and hurting it in the process.

And my eyes... my eyes glue to a hurt Mia standing in the door frame of her father's home office.  And they hurt me too.

"Cosa hai detto?!" her voice resounds in my ears again and again and it feels painfully long till I feel my own self and have the strength to walk up to her. (What did you say?)

Following her words spoken in the heaviest pain ever, I hear Benito saying something behind me but my brain can't process it right now and I don't even struggle too much with it. He is the least important for me at this moment.

Right now all I need is to feel her skin to my skin, grab a hold of her hand and a kiss of her lips and hopefully she will change her mind about leaving.

Leaving me, because that's exactly what I'm reading in the shine of her gorgeous eyes.

But with each of my steps she walks one back refusing my closeness and the bigger the distance between us, the stronger my anger grows, feeling flames rushing from my chest to the back of my neck and finally to my ears which I bet they look like some big, ugly, heated glass plates.

"Mia..." I'm calling her name stretching one hand in the hope I can catch hers.

And I swear I've tried to be soft and gentle but my voice came deep and hoarse, more like a threat and what looks very clear from the outside to be anger, deep down is fear.

I've never felt afraid before in any circumstance of my life, but now I am afraid. I am afraid she is done with me before even starting.

"Mia, you have to let me explain..."

"What is it to explain? That you love my writing so much that you've fell... what? What do you want? Was this a plan to reach my father?!" she speaks with her plum lips loaded with her tears.

"I never knew you were his daughter! I never meet your father, never thought about him before my fucking shipment..." I start to explain, raising my voice to levels that can freeze even the blood in my own veins.

I'm roaring! I'm sure I do! If only this sharp sound in my ears would stop pitching my hearing and allow me act normal.

Because everything I am right now, it's not normal. It's actually fucking far from me being me.

And still, me being me would mean only turning around and leave, going back to my usual life, unattached, confident, rough and merciless which weirdly enough, doesn't sit right with me today, with the new me, fearful, clingy, scared of losing something that has ended up only to define me: Mia.

I finally find strength again to open my mouth and calmly talk but she raises a hand as if trying to stop even the air that might come from my surroundings and she speaks in a shaky voice.

"I'm leaving. Our contract is now closed. We never met, we don't know each other."

"Mia..." I try to stop her in a deep desire she would just magically become dumb and change her mind just because her words hurt me, and maybe, just maybe she will forget in a blink that I've lied and plotted to bring her here, never telling her the truth.

"Don't!" she fights me back, me and her tears that, for fuck's love, they are the only lucky ones tonight, rolling on her cheeks and gathering on her top lip.

"Don't you ever dare to search for me!" she reads my mind but no matter how much I love her, enough being spoiled.

We are two in this, I'm sure of it, and she doesn't get to dictate what the fuck I do or I don't do.

"The Don between the covers" |18+| (Book3 - Mafia in love) - UNEDITEDKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat