She coughs, "yes! Cody... girl– did you know that your story went fucking viral?!" she squeals.

    "What?" I stutter.

    "Yes, it went viral. It received over a million reads, thousands of comments and you've gained a multitude of traction from simply pouring your heart out about this guy... which might I add seems pretty dreamy."

    I sigh, "Okay– I went viral for my blog posts about Cody... I wrote about eight entries. Did they all go viral?"

    "Yes, especially the last one where you really laid everything out on the table."

    A small shiver goes up my spine, the last one where I boldly spilled out every inch and crevice for the man that I never dated? Shit. If it went viral– does that mean... no, it wouldn't mean anything. Cody wouldn't dare read my shit. He's married from what I see on Instagram and he has a son that looks at least one or two years older than Sol. He's busy with his life as a husband and father, along with his prosperous business. I'm not even a sliver of  thought in that man's mind—- apparently not how he's lived in mind for the past fucking ten years. I swear sometimes, I think that I'm delusional as hell... but aye, delusion makes the best stories right? And after this divorce I had from Kevin, I need every damn penny– because his financial strategist salary isn't going to cut the expenses evenly since he's expecting a baby with that bitch– Sabrina.

"Nolia? Are you there?" Rachel asks, pulling me out of my trance.

"Yeah– Yes. I'm here... just thinking– so wait, why the excitement over my blog posts about him going viral?"

"Because– your book sales are skyrocketing!"

My mouth gaps open as I watch Sol throw her barbie doll in the air away from her as she sprawls out on the floor. When in the hell did she get on the floor? Ugh... I'll deal with that later.

"Which books?"

"The YA books: In All For Love, Rewriting The Memories and Queen. Each book has been requested by demand at Barnes & Nobles, Amazon, Target and neighboring book stores. Your name is being passed out so much, they're even having discussions via TIK TOK about your blog posts and books. Readers are loving how authentic, relatable and creative you are. Nolia– you are becoming the newest and biggest best thing in the literary world."

"Wow... Rachel, that's amazing. I'm speechless."

"Oh– now, don't be so speechless... because we need your voice. You have an event that I scheduled you to attend. It's good for the buzz of your books. We gotta ride this wave until we can't anymore... and I intend to ride this wave all the way to the bank after we get you a movie/television deal."

"Rachel, I have Sol full-time now. It's a bit of a challenge trying to find a babysitter at the last minute. Where's the event?"

"It's at the McCormick place, and it's a writer's convention event where you will be part of a panel for the first half and then for the remaining hours, you will be signing books and meeting with readers. You're a last minute addition to the event because– it's becoming clear that you are part of the reason why so many readers are now attending, they are hoping to finally meet you."

I pause. Is my dream really beginning to come true? For years, shit– decades... I have always wanted to be a best-selling writer and meet readers who love the characters that I developed just as much as I loved writing them. Now... my dream is a fucking reality. I'm the writer— wait author that I've always envisioned myself being ever since I was a little girl when I wrote my first short story.

    "Okay, what time do I need to be there?"

    "It starts tomorrow at 3pm. You think Kevin would watch Sol tomorrow while you go?"

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