One Shot - ZoreChild

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"Um, ABDL, I Guess"

I open the door to my one-bedroom apartment, walk inside, and close the door with my leg.

I let out a deep breath.

Man, I've been waiting for this.

I sit down on my cheap red beanbag, grab the remote on my glass coffee table, and turn on my VCR built-in TV.

I flip through channels till I find Qubo.

Yes, they're airing He-Man!

I put down the remote and reach into my jean's pockets.

"Where is it?" I said feeling around in my pockets. "Here it is," I said pulling out a gar.

I lay the gar on the table and pull out a small packet of golden glowing dust.

It's fairy dust.

I put the fairy dust in the gar and roll it up.

"Yes sir," I said admiring my rolling skills.

I put the rolled-up fairy dust to my lips and fire it up.

I take a deep hit filling my lungs with fairy dust.

I exhale feeling completely relaxed.

"This is the best," I said leaning back into my beanbag and taking another hit.

I moan just for the thrill of it.

Minutes go by of me smoking and suddenly I start to go into a trace.

I feel like I'm on LSD on how everything is so colorful and vibrant now. It's like I'm in a vaporwave footage.

CDs flying around, retro music playing, in an endless void of vibrant colors.

Is this nirvana?

And then suddenly I feel a frog in my throat.

I open my mouth and it leaps out of my throat making me gag.

I look at my coffee table and see a green frog staring at me with round anime eyes.

"Who are you?" I said.

The frog croaks. "Starlight."

I tilt my head. "Starlight?"

"Yes, I spoke," the frog said with such a pixie voice.

I watch as the frog starts to glow gold and transforms into a glowing fairy wearing a silver dress with black hair.

I take another hit. "You're not colorful for someone named Starlight," I said admiring her dark hair and pale skin.

"You just smoked the colorful out of me. Now I'm a goth pixie," she said.

"Wow, my bad," I said taking another hit. "You aren't mad are you?" I added.

"Mad? I'm furious! How dare you smoke my pack!"

"Your pack? I paid for this," I retort.

She flies in my face fuming red. "Aren't you coming down?" she said.

"I am.." I said noticing the room going back to normal.

She smirks. "Good."

She flies above my head and starts circling me, raining fairy dust in the air.

"What are you doing?" I said watching her.

She starts laughing magically. "Fairy Art: Regression Attack!"

A ring forms above my head and I start panicking. "Am I dead?"

Suddenly I start floating and fairy dust flies around me.

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