6.2 Self Defence Pro

Start from the beginning

Bloom shoved her hand off. "You just don't get it!" She shrieked. "You guys are the worst!" She ran off, leaving Skylar standing there, hurt. 

"I'm going to be late for Self Defence class!" Skylar ran off, running into the classroom. 

Miss Griselda was starting her lesson when Stella popped her head in. 

"Yuck!" She screamed, darting back out. 

Miss Griselda rolled her eyes and walked to the door. "Will you girls ever be on time to class?" She scolded as the girls took their seats. 

Skylar almost started laughing at their entrance, earning a smack on the head from Stella. "Hey!" 

"This is Self Defence class, right? Isn't our teacher supposed to be here?" Stella asked. 

"I am your teacher," Miss Griselda revealed. "And you're lucky! Without a teacher of my calibre, you don't stand a chance against the Trix!" 

Skylar would usually be taking notes in a class like this, but Griselda was an entertaining teacher and this was all review for her. 

"Now, you're up against an enemy much more powerful than yourself!" She set the scene. "This enemy has just casted a terribly destructive spell, what do you do?" 

Skylar raised her hand only for it to be promptly ignored by Griselda who knew that she already knew the answer. Skylar lowered her hand. 

Musa raised her hand. "Well, we combine powers!" 

Griselda laughed. "Too late, Musa! You've just been pulverised into oblivion." Griselda rose again. "Young ladies, you must dodge the attack." 

Stella filed her nails. "Good thing she told us, other wise I would've just stood there until it finally hit!" 

"Miss Stella, since you already know it all—lets show the others how it's done! You try and attack me...if you can." 

Stella chuckled nervously as they made their way outside into the courtyard. 

"Alright girls, your classmate Stella will demonstrate how to launch a successful attack." 

Stella scoffed. "Who does Griselda think she is anyways? All we need are some tacky uniforms and we're practically in the army!" She began to step forwards. "And really, an Alfea fairy deserves more respect than that!" 

"You really ought to save your breathe for the late, young lady." Griselda advised, stepping back. "Alright, let's see what you've got." 

Stella tried attack after attack, only for Griselda to block them. Griselda sent one of Stella's spells back, Stella got hit by the ricochet. 

"You should've dodged it, Miss Stella." Griselda quipped. "Now all of you, try and attack me. Skylar, sit out." 

So Skylar sat down on the floor, observing how Griselda defends herself and what she aims for when attacking. 

The class tried their hardest to attack Griselda, only to end up failing. Even Bloom failed, Griselda catching her fireball. "Really, Bloom? That's the best you've got?" 

The girls landed on the floor, defeated. 

Tecna got up and started asking Griselda questions. 

(A/N for once in my life I spelled Tecna right and oh my god does it look wrong.) 

Griselda was not having it. "Were you never told to raise your hand before speaking in class?" She scolded. "If the Trip were here, they would've absolutely torn you to bits!" 

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