Chapter 8

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The time leading up was spent searching for you.

The team was on edge for good reason.

"I got her! She's just outside of Central City."

When Cisco pulled up the map the room was a bit tense.

"Boss, that's a power plant." Chuck stated.

It seems this was worse than he thought. Who knows what destruction you could cause tapping into the speedforce.

"I have to stop her."

Barry didn't even give them a chance to form a proper plan. He was gone in seconds. When he pulled up to the plant, your back was facing him. He wasn't sure how you knew. You just started laughing.

"If it isn't Barry Allen, the most self righteous man around."

You finally turned. Although the glow was no longer present in your eyes, he could physically feel the level of your resentment for him. Standing there was like looking at a reflection of himself again. Just like with Savitar.

"You're not some evil mastermind, okay. I should have believed you when you first said it. But I was angry. At Eobard, at you. I just wanted something to take my anger out. But you're not like him or me. You're different. You're good. Hurting the city isn't going to make you feel any less alone."

"I don't care much for your speech."

Just like that the glow returns.

"I'm here to prove you right, just like you intended."

Barry sees the lightning generated in your hands and you direct it straight at the power plant. The mass of electricity hits the building. Barry expects an explosion, but your electricity seems to bounce right back. You drop to your knees with a scream, but you aren't stopping.

The alarms are blaring, but he still stands his ground.

"I'll do were afraid to.." 

You force out the words.

It becomes apparent to him that you weren't here to send some surge into the city, but to yourself.

Barry grits his teeth, rushing forward. He runs directly in front of the red streak of lightning. His body takes the large bolt and your eyes widen when the attack is no longer rushing through your chest. He grabs you, forcing his body out of the way. You both crash to the ground, rolling at a distance when the residual currents hit the ground. It dissipates in the air and the flashing of the alarms that had gone off previously have all shut down.

Barry looks down at your unconscious body under him, dropping his head on the ground with a heavy groan.


His return to Star Labs brings relief. His suit is a mess, so are your clothes, but you're both still alive.

He places you unto the bed in the med bay.

He can't shake the feeling in his stomach. He'd never driven someone to take their own life. Not once had he ever truly questioned his character until this point. He had no right calling himself a hero. Because the one person he should have felt the greatest need to help was you.


He turns at that voice.

Harrison Wells.

He walks right through the entrance and Cisco moves closer.

"Timeless Wells?"

None of them had called him.

"Sorry to show up on such short notice, but I was called here. I'm not sure how, but something tells me it has something to do with the woman unconscious in your lab." His gaze moved to your form.

Barry removed his burnt cowl, head lowered.

"This is all my fault."

He leaned against the table and Iris was at his side. They were all gathered there, ready to help in any way they could.

Harrison shook his head. 

"It's nobody's fault."

"You shouldn't lie to him." 

Barry stiffened at your voice. You were lifting off the bed, standing as you fixed your gaze on Barry. You walked forward, stretching your limbs.

"Brought me back to clear your conscience Barry."

You were now standing at the entrance of med bay.

"I'm a monster, and I'm tired of trying to prove otherwise. "

Your glare was fixed on all the members of team flash. Even the now present Harrison Wells. Possibly the only person who didn't wear an expression of fear, regret or guilt.

"I don't believe that." Harrison responds.

He sounded so sure.

You moved forward quicker than anyone could. When you stood with a vibrating hand aimed right at Harrison's chest, everyone froze.

"I'm a cold blooded killer. Isn't that right Barry?"

The glow of your eyes was one he'd seen countless times in his nightmares from Eobard.

Despite everyone's clear panic, Harrison didn't look phased or frightened. His empathetic gaze was aimed right at you. When he moved to take a step, you gritted your teeth.


He heeds no warning, reaching out and placing his hand on your wrist. The vibrating stops the moment he makes contact.

"You're just scared and hurt. You're not a killer. Even with all you said, you purposely went to a location far away from civilians. The only person you wanted to hurt was yourself. "

There's a spec of emotion present, despite their inability to see your pupils. You don't look as sure. When the red begins to filter out of your irises, you can just stare.

"You just wanted someone to believe in you, trust you."

Your eyes begin to well up, and when the tears start flowing, Barry knows that he's to blame. You left your entire life behind to another universe after your own had let you down. All you wanted was a small sign of compassion from them. That's all you asked for and he'd failed you.

Both as law enforcement and a hero.

Innocent until proven guilty.

When had he lost sight of that?

They all stood there and watched you break down.

Barry could say nothing.

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