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After getting home, me and Mike rushed up to his room, he wanted to get his homework done as fast as possible so he could get on with the day, "Ugh, homework sucks." He groaned, "Just don't do it?" I suggested, "I need to do it though." He argued, "That's conformist." I responded flicking my hair, "And you're a bad influence, now help me do this sh*t please!" He begged, "Ugh, whatever." I said as I began helping him with the homework, "Ok what the f*ck is even going on here?" He asked, "Just expanding brackets. With algebra." I answered, "Ugh. I'm gonna kill my teacher." He joked, "Cool I'll call Firkle." I said, "I didn't mean literally." He reasoned, "Too late~" I answered pretending to text Firkle, "IM NOT ABOUT TO GO TO PRISON AT 17!" Mike said as he snatched my phone out of my hand, "Suit your self." I said straight up just finishing the rest of his homework, it was taking too long and I was tired, "Ok what now?" He asked, "Sleep." I said getting up to sleep, "What?" He protested, "I mean you could sleep with me if you really wanted." I offered, his face turned bright red and he froze up, "Ugh, you know what I mean." I said as I walked towards my bed, "Can I?" He asked, "No, I want to sleep tonight." I said getting into bed and getting comfortable, I closed my eyes and he got into bed anyway, "Really?" I asked, "Yes per se." He said, "You're using that wrong." I joked, "And you're failing English." He responded, "Cool, now let me sleep." I said trying to get to sleep, "Did you know that a group of vampires is called a brood?" He informed me, "No, can I sleep now?", "Did you know..." this continued until he fell asleep at four in the morning and I didn't get to sleep until five thirty, we wake up at six.

I woke up to the six am alarm blaring, "Shut the f*ck up." I groaned rolling over and pulling a pillow onto my head, "Someone's grumpy~" I heard Mike joke, "Kill yourself." I said trying to sleep, "How late did I keep you up?" He asked seeming concerned, "Till four then you fell asleep, I got to sleep at five thirty." I groaned getting up, "Sorry." Mike apologized, "Doesn't matter." I said waving my hand at him to leave, he didn't leave so I turned around, "I'm changing get out." I told him, "And what if I don't?" He said, "You're joking now leave." I argued, "And what if I'm not." He bluffed, "Ok." I reached to pretend to take off my shirt, "WAIT NO I WAS JOKING PUT IT BACK ON IM SORRY!" He screamed running out of the room, "Conformist." I scoffed actually changing this time.

Walking down the stairs to the kitchen, I saw Mike staring at his phone, "What's up?" I asked, "Look.", I looked at what he was staring at, "So? It's just Twitter people lie on there all the time." I rolled my eyes, "No, it's on everything, this warning is on, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube, school news everywhere.." he sighed, "We can just skip it you're that worried about some spam account." Suggested, "It's not just some spam account, it's a warning account telling everyone to stay out of school today." He protested, "Do you wanna go in or not?" I asked, "One sec, HEY DAD!" Mike shouted to the other room, "What?!" His dad responded, "Can me and Pete stay off today?" He asked, "Are you sick?" His dad asked, "No." He replied, 'Ugh, it's so easy to fake an illness, why would you do that?!' I shouted at myself, "Are you injured?" His dad called out again, "No." He said, "Then you're going to school." His dad ended from the room over, "See." Mike mocked, "Whatever." I said walking past him and out of the door.

As we walked up to the school gates, we did the usual inconspicuous wave goodbye as we walked to our designated groups, but as I headed to the other goths I noticed that the yard that was usually crawling with conformist, was completely barran, not even Mike's or my friends were there, "Where is everyone?" I asked myself, "Maybe at home because they listened to the warning?" He said appearing behind me, "You're very confusing, you know that?" I responded, "Yea, you still love me though!" He exclaimed I gagged at the word love, "Whatever, the door is open, maybe we're late?" I suggested, "No we arrived same time as usual." Mike said walking towards the open door, I begrudgingly followed close behind.

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