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I awoke to my dad screaming at me to wake up, I didn't reply, I simply got up got dressed into what I usually wear, grabbed a pack of cigarettes and rushed out the door to avoid my dad.

"Ugh lame, I'm not on the verge of suspension anymore so I could skip, but, I want to talk to that f*cking vampire." I explained to myself while walking to school, I arrived pretty on time as I saw Mike running into school, "Hey! Mike-" I attempted a conversation but he ran past me, this annoyed me more than I would have liked it to. I shrugged thinking I could just talk to him in homeroom, as I walked over to the other goths, "Hey." Michael greeted me, "Hey.." I replied, "You're more bummed out than usual, who do I need to kill?" Firkle asked nonchalantly, "No, it's nothing. What did you guys do for your weekly break from conformism?" I questioned trying to change the subject, "Smoked, coffee, sleep, that's all. You're showing emotion, why?" Henrietta responded, I hesitated a bit, not really expecting them to ask, let alone care, "I- umm, just conformist sh*t." I stated thinking they would stop asking if they thought it was just 'conformist sh*t', "Conformist or not, we want an answer." Michael demanded, 'Well I'm f*cked, goodbye SouthPark, hello Scottsdale...' I thought to myself as I sighed, "Ugh, Mike nearly kissed me yesterday, but hugged me instead. I wanted to talk with him about it today, but his conformist a*s feelings are getting in the way..", they stood there looking at me for a while, before talking amongst themselves, 'I'm gonna die..' I accepted my fate as they turned around to talk to me, "Pete- uhh, don't worry we're not going to send you to Scottsdale..-" Michael said seeing how uptight I was, I released a breathe I hadn't realised I'd been holding, they continued, "So, we're not experts in this situation, so go talk to someone else if you want legitimate advice, but, again we don't care what relationships you have, just refrain from talking about them, I know we asked this time, but the most we can do is recommend that Kenny kid, he's apparently good with advice.." Henrietta stated, "O-ok, bye." I stuttered, 'What is wrong with me, I've become so lame lately, now I'm looking for Kenny, that lame kid with the good conformist advice. Ugh, they've basically sent me off to an unpayed therapist, lame.' I scolded myself as I wandered the yard, looking for Kenny.


I tried not to look at Pete as much as I usually would, as I was still very embarrassed about last night, but I did catch glimpses of him looking around for something, or someone, I watch from the corner of my eye as he continues searching for three minutes until talking with Kenny? It looked as if Kenny was smiling at him or something, but seeing him with someone else, made me annoyed, it shouldn't have since it's not like we're dating or anything, yet, but it still made me feel some type of way, made me feel jealous, I wanted to run over, grab him by the hand, and keep him all to myself, but that would be so much more embarrassing than anything else I could ever do, it made me cringe even thinking about doing such a thing.

In homeroom I sat down and started doodling, trying to distract myself from the jealousy I was still feeling, until Pete walked in, I didn't look, or stare at him like I usually do, instead I stared at my paper and began doodling random sketches. With 5 minutes to the end of homeroom, I could feel someone staring at me, looking around to see who it was, I saw that it was the teacher, they seemed to be glaring at the piece of paper I'd been drawing on in disgust, I looked down to see why they were looking, in that moment I actually wished I was invisible, I'd been subconsciously doodling sh*tty versions of myself and Pete, of course they weren't any good as they were just doodles with no actual thought put into them, I quickly scrunched up the paper and threw it into my bag, the teacher rolled their eyes and walked away to continue doing whatever they were doing, I looked around frantically searching the room to see if anyone else had seen it, my face began to cool off when I came to the conclusion that no-one else had noticed it. Soon the bell rang and I speed walked down the halls hearing Pete call my name from the classroom before presumably giving up as I entered my first class, about five minutes in I got a text from Pete, at first I ignored it, but then he texted me again, so without looking at the message I blocked him and focused on the lesson.

The Only One For You. || Pete x Mike [PIKE]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ