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After a horrifically long and boring day of that conformist's school I finally met up with my friends again as they were slowly walking and occasionally talking on their way to village inn to get a coffee, where I decided to join them, "Hey" I said catching up to them, "Hey" they mumbled, "Can't I just slit the throat of that conformist's wrinkly neck and watch as the crimson blood pours from it while they scratch and pull at their neck in an attempt to live while choking on their own blood before finally passing out so I can remove the warning from your profile off their computer so you can hang with us again, it's getting pretty boring already." Firkle said disturbingly, "Uhh- no that was hardcore goth, but, no we don't want you getting arrested Firkle." Henrietta replied, "It doesn't matter Firkle, I just need to go to a few lame conformist lessons for about a week then we can skip again." I said as we arrived at the village inn, we opened the door and sat down as the old, annoying, lame waitress asked us what we wanted in a bored tone knowing exactly what we wanted anyway, "Coffee." We all said at the same time trying to freak the conformist out, instead she rolled her eyes, wrote down our order and moved on, "So what after this?" Michael said taking a drag of his cigarette, "I don't know, but, that reminds me, there was this weird kid in class-" I began to say before Firkle cut me off, "Who is it?! I'll stab them 37 times before removing their brains through their eyes." "No, it's just some kid who wouldn't stop staring at me in homeroom, and then decided to text me in science, he didn't text me again though because he kept getting threatened with detention." I stated, "You say that almost as if you're upset about it, shouldn't you be happy he stopped?" Michael questioned, "I'm not upset about it, that's conformist, I'm just tired, I didn't sleep well last night." I defended as the waitress returned with the coffee, we paused for a moment taking a break to smoke and drink coffee, "You sure? You sounded pretty defensive there." Henrietta replied, "I'm sure-" I was cut off by a buzzing in my pocket.


"What's that?" Michael asked, "Who's that?" Firkle questioned almost threateningly.


"Finally I thought that day would never end!" Larry complained as we walked out of school, "Yea me too, so what do you guys want to do now?" Bloodrayne asked, "Ummm.. How about we go to hot topic? I need a few things per se." I offered, "Sure, lets hurry then!" Larry said, "Lets go!" Bloodrayne celebrated, "Lets walk fast then I guess" I chuckled, we speed walked in silence for a few minutes before Larry realized "Guys I can't go, my mum said I had to text her whenever I went somewhere so she knew where I was." "Aw, really dude? Come on, live a little just go anyway." Bloodrayne begged, "No sorry, you know how they are, they really just want what's best for me you know?" He sighed starting to walk backwards towards his house, "If you insist Larry, cya!" I said bidding him fair well, Bloodrayne sighed "Fine bye!" She said we waved each other goodbye and then continued on our separate paths.
We made it to hot topic, looking around Bloodrayne asked "Soo~ What did you need anyway?" "Just some T-shirts, I don't have very many." I replied, "Okay cool!" She responded, "I'll race ya to see who can get at least five items the fastest, check out too, then meet back here?" She offered, "Heh, you're on!" I replied hastily, "Okay! 3, 2, 1, GO!" She said quickly before sprinting into the store, I followed close behind immediately running to quickly skim through all the nicest looking T-shirts before throwing them in a bag that I had grabbed on the way in, after grabbing 3 items I looked over at Bloodrayne who had not gotten a bag so was struggling to hold all her things, of which she also had 3, that I could see, grabbing my final 2 items I ran to the check out line, as did Bloodrayne though she dropped a couple things sacrificing her spot in line to pick them up allowing me to run in and get to the check out before her, after paying I ran as fast as I could back outside the store grabbing another bag on the way for Bloodrayne as she was still in the check out now taking her time seeing that I had already won, "How did you do that so fast?" She asked, "I got the cheapest T-shirts so it took less time to get my money since I didn't need as much out to pay, also I got a bag so I wasn't struggling with holding my items." I answered dangling the bag I had grabbed for Bloodrayne tauntingly, she took it and said jokingly while shoving her things into it, "Well I'm sorry that I didn't see it in time to grab one okay?", we laughed as we started to walk out of the building.
"So I was thinking of going to Stark's pond just to chill by myself, wanna join?" I offered, "No sorry, it's past when I was ment to head back now, I'm already late it's a school night." She replied, "Okay no problem, I'll see you tomorrow?" I said bowing goodbye, "Yea cya." She replied waving goodbye as she walked away.

"Ugh, today was so loonngg~" I groaned, walking towards Stark's pond before finally arriving and slumping down onto the bench, looking down at the ground tiredly and spotting a burnt out cigarette, 'That reminds me I should text him again, we're not in school anymore and all he does is smoke and drink coffee why wouldn't he respond?' I thought to myself opening up Instagram and finding his account again:

~V4mpir153~: "Hello, again, it's no longer school, I thought I'd say 'hello' and attempt an conversation again per se."


"Ugh, it's that stupid conformist again!" I said, "Which one?" Firkle asked, "Umm, just count f*gula, and no you may not kill him." I replied,
"Why not~?" Firkle said in a whiny tone, "Yea why do you care?" Michael asked, I could feel my face go slightly red with anger, "Your face is red, you ok?" Henrietta questioned, "Ugh, you're asking me as if I'm a god damn conformist, I need some air, today was annoying and lame as ever." I stated walking out, "Okay whatever." I heard Michael say before I left.
'Ugh I don't understand, why does he keep texting me?!' I angrily thought to myself making my way down to Stark's pond, I had thought about texting Vampqueer back but decided against it as I was too annoyed at.. something to be rational right now, 'wait why do I care if I'm rational and clear headed around count f*gula? He's not my friend or anything, so why would I care, exactly I don't, I don't care-' I was quickly brought back to reality as I had tripped over a root from a near by tree scuffing up my hands and badly cutting my knee, "Are you okay?" A familiar voice asked sympathetically, "Yea." I replied grabbing the hand that was helping me up, "Are you sure? Your knee looks pretty bad per se." They asked again, "I said I'm fine-" I looked up and was greeted by, f*gula, "Do you need help, those look pretty bad, if you come over I could-" I cut him off "Come over? Ha! No I refuse to be seen in your conformist house!" I said certain that would deter him, "No, no, I insist please I have some supplies that I can treat you with?" He was practically begging at this point, I had to refrain from making eye contact as I didn't want to feel guilty, "No I've delt with worse, I'm fine." I said attempting to stumble away almost falling again in the process, the vampire then grabbed me by the hand again and said "Please you look seriously injured." They way he said it, I'll just quickly glance at him to see if he's being genuine, easy, I looked at him, we made eye contact, 'DAMN IT, GOD DAMN IT!' We then stared at each other for what felt like 5 minutes maybe, until I finally caved from the pressure. "F-fine." I stuttered, 'Really, stuttering now? Are you kidding me?' I angrily thought to myself, before I knew it he had slung my arm around his shoulder and we started slowly and silently walking to his house.

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