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"UUGGHH" I groaned as I slammed my hand down on my 6am alarm, knocking it over in the process.
'Okay another long~ Monday, I just can't wait to see what today has in store for me.' I thought to myself, stumbling out of bed to brush my teeth, my hair, and get dressed for the day.
'What should I wear today? Eh-' I shrugged pulling out my usual black jeans, black spider webbed top and favorite black sad faced hoodie, then proceeding to slide on my jeans, top and tying my hoodie around my waist as it is a hot day, which is rare, so I'd put it on when I got to school, 'hm good outfit, but where's my fangs?' I thought frantically searching my room for at least 15 minutes before giving up and heading down stairs.
"Hey Dad." I sighed "Good morning Mike! What's wrong?" He asked, "I can't find my fangs, also I need to eat before I do my makeup, I don't want to smudge it today." I answered, He responded "Well foods' on the table and I'll have a look for your fangs okay?" "Ok!" I replied "Thanks."
'Oh nice bacon and eggs!' I thought to myself hungrily eating away at my breakfast.
"Found them!" Dad shouted from up stairs, "Thanks, where were they?" I responded half way through my breakfast, "They were on your window sil." He responded placing them down on the table next to me, "By the way, you only have 15 minutes before you have to leave for school, I'm off to work now, bye kiddo!" "Bye Dad!", 'Its been half an hour already?!' I panicked quietly to myself, quickly finishing up my food and washing my plate, and running upstairs to quickly do my makeup, fix my brows and glue on my fangs, after managing to do a surprisingly good job at my makeup for how little it took me, I looked at the time, '6:55 okay that's plenty of time to put my shoes on and still make it in time to meet up with my friends before school.' I thought to myself walking down the stairs to put my shoes on.
I got my shoes on swung the door open and left just in time, meeting up with my friends and talking as we walked to school.


"PETE! GET UP AND GET OUT! YOU HAVE SCHOOL!" My 'dad' shouted at me, "IM GETTING UP, YOU CONFORMIST!" I yelled back as an empty can of beer it the wall behind me just barely missing my face, "AND STOP THROWING SH*T AT ME!" I shouted throwing the can back at him, not getting much more in response than a loud grunt from the living room, if you could even call it that.
"Conformist.." I mumbled to myself picking up and putting on my usual grey shirt and black jeans, before slumping back down onto my bed, lighting a cigarette and taking a long drag from it to start the day, 'I don't wanna deal with this bullsh*t today.' I thought to myself annoyed.
Looking over at the time, '6:15?! It's too early for this lame conformist sh*t' I got up thinking to myself 'Whatever I'll just walk around Stark's pond for awhile, literally anything will be good but here.' Putting on my silver and ruby neck piece, sneaking past my now passed out 'dad' I quickly opened the door before slamming it closed and making my way over to Stark's pond, taking a drag of my cigarette every now and then.


"So, what did you guys dream about?" Bloodrayne asked trying to start up a conversation as we'd been quiet for quite awhile, "I dreamt of that creepy cat that keeps leaving dead things on my window." Larry started "It was huuggee and scary and- in my dream of course, I'm scared of nothing in real life!" Larry stated almost confidently, Bloodrayne chuckled "That's nice Larry, I dreamt of Hen- eerr, my crush! We were having a nice picnic, it was a pleasant dream!", "Vampir, what did you dream of?" Larry asked, "I don't dream per se, but we shall glaze over that, Bloodrayne, I didn't know that you had a crush?" I asked in a teasing manner, she went clearly red in the face, "Uuummm, look we're here, school!" She said running in me and Larry following close behind to meet up with the other vamp kids.
"Hey!" Most of the vamp kids greeted while handing us some clamato juice, the others too busy were sipping on clamato juice to join in, "Greetings!" We responded taking the clamato juice and clinking glasses before drinking, while I also slipped on my hoodie.
"So back to what I was saying...." I was trying to listen to the conversation but something just felt off, I looked around to see what it was, 'Emo kids? No nothing off with them, maybe that blue kid's group? Nope they all look fine, umm Butters' group? No, the goth kids?' then it hit me 'Where's Pete?'.

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