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About half way through the film with 30 minutes left, I noticed Pete was looking a bit nervous, "You ok?" I asked, "What?- oh, Yea I'm fine." He said turning his attention back to the movie, "What? Too scary for you?" I joked, he looked back at me, he didn't really like getting called scared but he looked like he didn't care, I'm not sure if that's because we're dating or what, "No, I like the film, but, I just don't really think I can show emotion without feeling guilty yet." He confessed, 'Why would he feel guilty about that?' I thought before responding, "Hey, you never need to feel guilty about that. And if you're not ready to show emotion, you can wait as long as you need to tell me, or, you could show no emotion while telling me." I offered, "Yea, I'll tell you in like, three more films." He laughed, I paused the film and laughed with him, "Okay, do you want to pick three more films and then we finish this one and move on to the ones you picked?" I suggested, "Yea that's good." he said getting up to pick three more films, I followed him to help pick, if we were gonna watch three more films then we were both gonna like them.

Three and a half films later we found our selves sitting opposite each other waiting for someone to break the silence, at this point we were having a staring contest because it felt like neither of us had broken eye contact or blinked in forever, "Fine. Let's just get this over with." Pete eventually said, 'Oh god okay.' I panicked to myself, "Okay, so. Uhh, how long has he been drinking for? Sorry if that's too fast." I said, "No, that's what this whole conversation is, about my home life and my dad. Uhh, he started about maybe 5 to 7 years ago? Maybe?" He guessed, "I'm sorry, uhh. When did the violence start? If you don't mind." I asked, "Stop saying 'sorry', it's making it a hell of a lot more difficult to not show emotion." He said, "Okay. Uhh, when did the violence start?" I repeated, he hesitated a little before responding, "A little over two years ago, anymore questions?", I could tell he was ready to be done with this, "Just two more, how many times a week or a day, does he hurt you?" I asked, "Usually, on a good day, three times a week, but that's if I don't go home for a while." He said looking down at the floor to avoid eye contact, 'That's on a good day?' I was in disbelief, what happened on a bad day, I wanted to ask but I could tell he didn't really want to continue with the questions, "Okay, last question." I said, he looked up, "What do you want to do next? Like, do you want to go back to doing what you've been doing for the past seven years? Or, do you want to tell my dad and we can find a place for you to stay?" I asked, he thought a bit before responding, "I knew you'd ask this.", he scrunched his face up, "Can we tell your dad. I don't really want to go back there." He said, his voice slightly breaking but he composed himself, still not wanting to show emotion which I respect. "Okay, do you want to tell him or should I?" I asked, "I'll tell him." He said getting up and opening in the door to leave, I quickly followed.


As we made are way into the kitchen where his dad was, I was overwhelmed with a sense of dread, did I really want to do this to my dad? I mean yea sure he's a sh*tty conformist a*shole, but, he's still my dad, to this I shook my head and entered the kitchen with Mike next to me, "Oh, heya kiddos. What's up?" Mike's dad asked casually, I looked at Mike and he smiled as I took a deep breathe, "Uhh, I want to talk about my dad.." I said finally, Mike's dad looked at and his warm smile faded, "Come with me." He said leading us into the living room and sitting us down, "Hey dad." Mike said, "Yes?" Mike's dad responded, "No jokes okay?" Mike warned, his dad nodded and turned his attention back to me, "So what is it about your dad that you wanted to talk about?" He asked, "He, umm." I paused, 'Am I really doing this?' I asked myself before answering my own question, 'You know what? F*ck it. That drunk, conformist b*tch deserves this.', "He did this." Said removing the ice pack, "I expected this, do you mind answering a few questions?" He sighed, "As long as there the same as Mike's then that's fine." I reasoned, "I can't promise they will, how long has this been going on for?" He asked, "The violence? A little over two years ago, the drinking and neglect though? Five to seven years." I answered, "Okay and how many times a day does he hurt you, on average." He said while writing down stuff, "On a good day, either once or twice." I answered, "And what about a bad day?" He asked while writing down my answer, I grabbed Mike's hand and held it tight, "All day, until I leave the house. That's usually when I've provoked him." I reasoned seeing the horrified expression on Mike's face in my peripheral vision, "Okay, do you know how many times a day your dad drinks?" Mike's dad asked, "All day until he runs out, he either sends me to get more of he just gets it himself." I said, "Okay, I think that's enough, we are going to place you in a foster home, what kind of person would you like you stay with?" He said, "The opposite of my dad, but also someone who will not talk to me too much but still listens to me, and knows the difference between emo and goth and everyone else." I answered, "Right okay, I'll take this down to the station and I'll get back to you a soon as possible, in the mean time you can take our spare room, it's up the stairs, first door on the right." He said as he left to go to the station, Mike hugged me unexpectedly, which is something I usually hate but I could understand it this time, "I'm so sorry, I should have done something sooner." Mike cried, "I don't care, you've helped me now so it's fine, and don't you dare say it's not because you know I'm not good at being sympathetic." I responded, he laughed and pulled me in for a small kiss before asking, "Hey, do you want coffee?", "F*ck yes I want coffee is that even a question?" I replied springing up to start walking to the village inn, "Ok, be careful though." Mike called from the living room, "Oh shut up conformist." I said brushing off his concerns, I could hear him laughing as I left the house, he left soon after I did.

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