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After school I met up with Pete, and he had experienced a similar thing, "Yea he was really weird, that lame b*tch wouldn't stop asking me about my relationship towards you. I didn't say anything, I'm not ready to come out yet, not because of the gay thing, it's more of a goth thing." Pete explained, "Yea, he asked me the same thing, I didn't say anything either, because you're not ready yet. Also, it's Cartman." I replied, "Did you see anything else throughout the day?" He asked, "Yea, he was bugging other kids and taking pictures of them too." I said, "Oh, all I saw was him in the corner of my eye, not really looking at me, more at everyone else." He shared, "Do you still wanna go in tomorrow?" I asked, "I don't really feel like getting an ear full from your dad, but I'll only go in if you do, I'm not dealing with that conformist sh*t myself." He responded, I thought for a moment, we couldn't really skip because my dad would be on that immediately, "We'll go in tomorrow, not like we have much of a choice, my dad would know immediately and probably ground us or something." I said, "Yea I don't really feel like staying in my room for a whole day or more." He said, "Should we go straight home or?" Pete asked, "Home, we have a time limit." I said, "Ugh, conformist rules, lame." Pete rolled his eyes, "Well you're gonna have to get used to it." I said beging to walk home, "What if. We went home and then when we knew your dad was asleep, we snuck out?" He said excitedly, "If we get caught, I'm blaming you." I joked, "Eh, whatever conformist, I don't care." He said walking a head of me, I didn't try to catch up with him I just stared at him, I think he eventually figured it out though because he ran back towards me looking kind of annoyed with his arms crossed, I just laughed and continued walking, "Oh yea, you need a new phone." I remembered, "Ugh, Yea, I think if I have to go one more week without the cure, I'm gonna start wishing that truck killed me." Pete 'joked', "I have some songs by the cure in my playlist, here I brought my headphones." I said handing him a headphone while I took the other, putting it on my ear as I did so, "What song would you like?" I asked, "Burn. By the cure obviously." Pete said, "No, how about, this one." I proceeded to play Friday I'm in love, Pete looked annoyed but didn't complain, at least he got some music.

When we got back I greeted my dad who had already made us dinner, we sat down and ate the roast dinner, it didn't matter that it wasn't a Sunday to have Sunday dinner, roast dinners tasted good so we'd eat it anyway, after we ate Pete quietly thanked my dad who smiled politely in return, I thanked him too then left to go upstairs and wait for my dad to fall asleep.

~Unknown: "so what now?"

Pete could text because he'd swiped an old phone that he'd found and decided it was better than nothing.

~You: "Idk prob just text?"

~Unknown: "Could sneak into each other's rooms"

~You: "no my dad would hear."

~Unknown: "Who's window are we sneaking out of"

~You: "Yours, you have a small balcony type thing outside your window."

Pete didn't respond for a while, I assume he got up to check.

~Unknown: "looks more like a gutter"

~You: "Well it's a ledge that we can use so it's not just a straight drop per se."

~Unknown: "and what else should we do then"

~You: "Not fall asleep."

~Unknown: "easy for me wby"

~You: "Yiu know what give me a minute I'll sneak into your room"

~You: "You*"

~Unknown: "K"

I slowly and quietly got up out of my bed and crept over to my door and slowly opened it, it was a little loud but not loud enough to wake up my dad, I snuck over to Pete's room and quietly knocked on the door, he immediately opened it and let me in, "yea the was nothing to do in here." He whispered, "I know right? I've already done everything in my room." I whispered back, "ok yea but now there's nothing to do in here because now we're basically just texting in person." He whispered annoyed, I had to keep myself from laughing, that was really funny he said it completely seriously too, "why don't we just cuddle on your bed until my dad falls asleep?" I offered, "f*ck it, why not. I mean there's not much else to do other than sex, which I hate." He joked walking over to his bed, 'Well at least I know that he doesn't like that stuff.' I joked to myself following him over, I wrapped my arms around him and he turned over and buried his head into my chest and clung onto me, "It's been a week, huh?'' I said, "Mhm." He hummed, "Sorry about your dad." I said, "He was a piece of sh*t anyway." He replied, "He was still your dad though, you sure you're ok?" I asked, "Can you shut up conformist? You're ruining the moment." He said pulling himself closer, I didn't say another word I just held him close and accidentally fell asleep.

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