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I woke up and once again felt Gionna on me. I looked down and remembered what happened last night, I smiled and grabbed my phone and saw it was 7 am. I also saw that it was Saturday, meaning that it was

"FASTLANE." is what Booker T said on the pre-show, I smiled as I watched on from the back, getting ready for the second biggest night of my life. I fixed my hat and looked in a mirror, a smiling Gionna said, "You look really good." I looked behind me and said,"You look better." I saw her smile and heard a voice slightly far away say "that was really cute." I immediately recognized the accent, and it came from Demi (Rhea). She walked into our locker room and said, "You both look really good, GiGi looks better, though." I pull my bandana down and say,"Trust me, I know." I walked behind Gionna, who was sitting down, and I wrapped my arms around her neck. I also saw Demi on her phone taking a picture as the flash was on, I look back at her and her face was flushed red with embarrassment and her lips on the verge of breaking into a smile. I just rolled my eyes and kept Gionna in my embrace.

I heard my music hit and i walked out, I stopped for a second and put my hands in front of my face, showing my gloves to the camera. I did the rest of my entrance and took my hat off with my bandana and my coat. I sat in the top right corner of the ring and was waiting for Shinsukes music to hit.

Shinsuke came out to the ring and had a huge reaction as he was not only the champ but a good guy. He got to the ring and was doing the rest of his entrance standing in the other corner.

I leaned on the turnbuckle as Samantha Irvin did her thing. She said, "The following is scheduled for one fall for the world heavyweight championship!" She smiled and raised the mic to her mouth, saying,"And first introducing the challenger, weighting in at 220 pounds, from San Diego California, representing the Judgment Day! The Outlaw Damian Heat!" I looked at the camera and hit down the hammer an imaginary gun. Samantha did her last announcement for this match, saying, "And now, introducing the champion. From Kyoto Japan, weighing at 229 pounds, he is the world heavyweight champion! Shinsuke Nakamura!" And with that, Samantha got out the ring, letting the ref grab the title from Shin and showing it to me, then the audience.


The match started, and I was pacing around the ring. I stopped after a while as Nakamura was moving opposite of me. Shin ran at me, and I hit an armbar on him. He instantly kipped up, and I smiled as he did so.

I walked into the corner and leaned against the turnbuckle and did the "Too Sweet" gesture with both hands taunting the wwe universe and shin. Nakamura took advantage of me doing this as he ran his shoulder into me repeatedly. As I was sitting on the mat, Shin did that stomp leg shake thing. I rolled around and held my chest where his foot was at, I looked over at him in the corner as he ran towards me, hitting a kinshasa.

"1... 2"

I threw my shoulder up at 2 and stood up, looking over at Shin as he licked on his mouth guard. I ran at him and hit him with a spear, I grabbed his arm and leg, pulling him to the middle of the ring and climbed up to the top rope. I hit an HBK elbow drop and went for a cover


he kicked out right before 2, and I knew I had to actually try. Shin got up, and I hit a slingblade into a basement dropkick, I went to his legs and went for a pipers pit.

(The thing were Ronda grabs their legs and rolls them up to her shoulders, and does the rolling Samoan drop)

But kept him hoisted on me, and I hit a GTS on him. I picked him up by his legs and hit a powerbomb onto him, I tried to go for another, but he rolled out, and I hit a running knee on him. I smiled and fixed my hair, I turned around and saw Shinsuke stumbling to his feet. Jumped onto the apron and hit a slingshot lariat on him, I got to the top rope and hit a frog splash onto him.

Shinsuke was leaned against the ropes, and I saw the perfect opportunity and threw him over the top rope where he landed on the apron, I ran to the ropes and bounced off them and hit a spear on Shinsuke.

(like Edge did to Mick Foley)

With me and Shinsuke I on the floor, the ref started counting "1!" I stumbled to my feet and leaned against a barricade. I smiled and looked at a tired Shinsuke stumbling to his feet, leaning against the announce table. I got an idea and hit a wrangler on him.

(dirty deeds/ double underhook butterfly ddt)

I ripped the hood of the announcers table off and threw it to the side, the ref yelled, "5!" I looked over at the ref and rolled my eyes, picking Shin up and pushing him onto the announcers table. I rolled into the ring and ran to the ropes, bouncing off them and jumping over the ropes and hitting a frog splash onto Shinsuke. I heard Michael Cole yell, "OH MY GOD!" I rolled around, feeling the pain from impact, I fell over and onto the stairs resting there for a second.

I looked over and saw Shinsuke Nakamura running at me, and he hit a kinsasa bouncing my head into the stairs. I heard the ref yell, "6!" As I reset the count from my jump onto Shin, and I crawled up the stairs and into the ring ending the count at 6.

I stood up and got ready for Nakamura to throw anything at me. He saw me get up and started to run towards me, and I jumped over him, making him fall over and lean on the bottom rope. I smiled and shaked my shoulders to a collective boo from the crowd, I started to stomp onto Shins's chest, where he leaned on the bottom rope. I saw my opportunity and climbed out the ring and backed up, I ran towards the ring and hit a drive by dropkick.

(like Roman does)

I climbed onto the top rope and hit a surprisingly clean shooting star, I got into the corner, and Shinsuke was now standing. I thought about a spear, but then I remembered how I jumped over him after he ran at me and decided to walk to Shin and hit a wrangler on him. I smiled and picked him up again and hit another wrangler, and then another. I grabbed Shins' legs, pulled him to the middle of the ring, and locked in the cattle mutilation submission. I applied more and more pressure until I heard


The bell rang, and I realized I had just won my title back. The ref raised my hand and gave me the title as i raised it up in the air, getting a bad reaction from the crowd. I smiled and looked back at Shinsuke, who was on one knee. I walked towards him and helped him up, I reached my hand out for him to shake, and he did. I turned around and raised his hand, pulling him in, and i said loud enough for the camera to pick up, "You're next after Damian and Finn." I let go and walked out the ring and up the ramp into backstage.

I was met with noise from production and Gionna, who immediately hugged me as I walked backstage. I hugged back, and with the title in one hand, I wrapped it around Gionnas waist and turned it around as I smiled, i jokingly said, "And here is your winner and new world heavyweight champion Gionna Black." she blushed as she looked up at me as I replaced her last name with mine, and we walked back into the locker room we had been given by HHH.

I quickly showered and dried off, getting into a clean version of my ring gear, as I was going to be an announcer for Demi's match. I sat down next to Gionna and leaned my head on her shoulder. She still had the title around her waist while being on her phone. I gave her a kiss on the side of her head, and she said, "So, Damian and Gionna Black?" I smiled and looked over at her and said,"Yeah, why do I change my last name to Daddio?" Gionna smiled and shook her head no. She said,"Your name sounds better. Maybe I'll do both Daddio-Black?" I smiled, looking up at her and nodding yes, and leaned my head back on her shoulder. I stayed there until Demi's match began.

so.... yeah, you'll see why I took the title off Shin. maybe I give him another title. If I do, what one should it be?

1577 words

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