chap 12 - truth,lies and scandal

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i only realised after a day but idk if you guys had that problem but idk maybe double check but yeah CARRY ON

it had been a week since niko and aprils big fight. they hadn't said a word to each other or even seen each other. they'd just quietly observe each other's lives through instagram

april had been asked to come to filming two days after her big fight with niko by sharky, but she had to cancel saying she had plans and couldn't cancel. but really she just couldn't face seeing him yet

even though april hadn't seen niko in three weeks that didn't mean that she didn't see sharky nearly everyday and when she want with sharky, she was with aj. april couldn't be alone. and she hadnt been since her fight with niko. if april was alone, then shed have to think, and her thinking would end up to her thinking about her fight with niko and she couldnt do that

so instead she surrounded herself by people never letting herself be alone. even when april had gone home after being with sharky or aj, shed ring chloe. and she would ring chloe most nightd until 4.00am. she couldn't sleep. and if she couldn't sleep and wasn't talking to chloe, she was thinking about her fight with niko and she couldn't do that.

chloe suspected something was wrong that's why she laid her phone beside her pillow and closed her eyes and would just let april talk until chloe couldn't take it any longer and she would be about to pass out, so she would hang up and chloe.

but chloe thought when she hung up, april would go to sleep. but she didn't, she never did.

and thats why april had accepted to come to the next beta squad shoot as a guest along side harry pinero, because she needed to see niko. she needed closure


'today on beta squad, were doing our very own edition, of would i lie to you'

cheers were met from both teams

'today as you can see, the teams are harry pinero,' the camera zoomed in on harry pinero and he shook his fist at it. 'sharky,' chunkz continued 'and april' the camera zoomed in on her and she blew a kiss before it turned into the middle finger 

'and on the other team, we have niko, aj and kenny' the camera zoomed in on each of the one at at a time. niko shushed the camera, aj blew finger guns, and kenny did a 1,2 box 

'okay guys team name' harry said gathering us all in a team circle

'pancakes' sharky said

harry and april looked at him confused 

'cus we dont waffle' sharky explained 

april put her hand to her mouth and gagged then scrunched her nose up  before running to the opposite end of the studio 

'ew. i cannot believe you just said that.' april said still on the other end of the studio

april bent over and pretend to gag

'man said pancakes 'cus we dont waffle!' harry said to the camera 

this earned laughs from the other team

'you guys cant laugh that'll just encourage him' april groaned her nose still scrunched up with disgust 

'if that's our team name, i'm gonna start rooting against you guys to lose' april explained crossing her arms across her chest 

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