Kvasir: Pray all you want but no one will be crazy enough to come looking for you here!

Odin: Yes, me!

Kvasir turns and Odin punches him, knocking him out

Odin's intervention unexpectedly saved Hibiki from Kvasir.  The former ruler of Asgard had decided to take direct action to try to protect Hibiki and bring her back to safety.

Hibiki:(happy) Odin!!!...Um...(seriously) What are you doing here?  I didn't ask you to save me!

Odin:(sarcastic) Ah, nice little "welcome back" speech...Aren't you happy to see me again?

Hibiki: The day before yesterday I would have been, but now I really don't think so.

Odin:Hey, what's wrong?

Hibiki seemed to be very angry at Odin due to the shocking information she had received from Kvasir regarding Odin's motives in saving her in the past.  It was clear that she Hibiki had many questions and concerns about him.

Hibiki: (serious) I didn't like hearing that everything you did for us was just to... to make me yours!  Is this really so, Odin?

Odin: (with worried expression) Hibiki, I understand that this must have been difficult to hear, but there are explanations...

Hibiki: (interrupting) Explanations?  Explanations on how you changed your mind and saved the world just because you liked me?  That's not a valid explanation!

Odin: (worried) Hibiki, you must understand that...

Hibiki: (angry) Should I understand?  I don't want to hear anything else from you now.  Why are you here?  What do you want from me?

Odin: (resolute) I am here to save you from Kvasir and the Vanir, Hibiki.  I know this situation is complicated, but please give me a chance to explain everything to you.  I didn't come here to hurt you.

Hibiki looked confused and angry at the same time.  It was clear that she needed answers and clarification on everything she had learned.

Hibiki: (with an uncertain expression) I don't know what to think now, Odin.  But if you're here to help me out of this situation, then tell me what we need to do.

Odin: You follow me...(equips the cannon) I'll lead the way.

Odin seemed determined to protect Hibiki and lead her to safety from the threat of the Vanir and Kvasir.  He took his cannon and prepared to lead the action.

Hibiki: (firmly) Alright, Odin, following you seems like the best option right now.  Let's do everything we can to get out of here as soon as possible.

Odin nodded and stood at the head of the group, ready to fight to protect Hibiki and bring her back to a safe place.  The situation was still very dangerous, but they at least had a plan to deal with it.

Hibiki: (thought) I just hope that this time Odin tells the truth and that everything turns out for the best.

Odin:(on the way) Listen, what you told me before...

Hibiki: Come on, explain to me, were you really in favor of human extermination?

Odin walked alongside Hibiki as he tried to explain his situation and his feelings.

Odin: (serious) Hibiki, what Kvasir told you is partially true.  In the past, when I was in a moment of madness and anger, I had thought of a plan of human extermination.  But I changed, thanks to you.

Hibiki: (confused) Changed because of me?  So are you really in love with me?

Odin: Well here...

Hibiki: Did you really want to take me to bed with you?

Symphogear: The Fury of gods part 2Where stories live. Discover now