Sonic woke up and groaned. He woke up in the bed and saw he was naked. He gasped in shock. But what was more alarming that he was in bed with Knuckles. It was horror to him. Thinking this was gonna be bad, he got dressed quickly and ran straight to the bar.

Sonic arrived and said to himself, "What did I do?! What was I thinking?! Was that an illusion?" He then realized it made sense. It was an illusion he was with Knuckles.

He threw up in his mouth. Luckily the glass was still there so it wasn't long until Chance arrived.

He said to him, "My sister will be... you okay?" Sonic took a deep breath and told him everything. By the time he finished, he tried to choke back vomiting.

Chance 'believed him and thought something was off' said, "I think I seen this before." He took the glass and said, "I know I gave you water. The water filter was cleaned yesterday." He then noticed something and said, "Wait a minute."

Sonic asked, "What?" Chance replied, "This can use a closer look. My brother can see this." Thats when Chance whistled and said, "HEY CULLEN! FRONT AND CENTER BRO!"

That's when a bear 'like him but younger' walks to him and asked, "You wanna see me big brother?" Chance replied 'giving the glass to him', "Yes. Look in the glass. Somethings off."

Cullen took a look at it and said, "No doubt about it. Somebody placed a drug in it. geez as if the pot brownie incident wasn't bad enough. This guys been drugged."

Sonic was in shock. But he was enraged, thinking Knuckles did it. Failing to see Amy and Rouge actually did.

Sonic then said, "I have made a big mistake. To think my wife was actually alive." He sighed deeply. He then said, "He played me. He tricked me. I hate him. As if breaking my heart wasn't bad enough."

Chance sighs and said, "Listen, I'll have my second cousin look into this. She is head of security around here." Sonic sighed in relief before he thanked Chance for it.

Chance gave him a your welcome before their sister 'Whistles' came in and asked, "Mr. Royale, you wanted to see me?" Thats when Sonic replied, "Yes, I wanna have an approval of having a wedding here. My client wants to know if it's okay."

Whistles then said professionally, "Well Mr. Royale, it is going to be difficult but hey, I can't say no to a fabulous wedding. So you have my approval." Sonic smiled a little before he then chatted with Whistles about the arrangements.


Knuckles 'who woke up alone and confused and had a visit from Amy and Rouge 'who told him everything that just happened' also felt really bad' was furious as he shouted, "YOU BOTH DID WHAT?!"

Amy replied, "But we thought it worked!" Knuckles replied angrily, "SO THATS WHY HE KEPT CALLING RIKA! HE THOUGHT I WAS HIS DECEASED WIFE!"

Rouge protested, "But Knuckles, we were just trying to help out. We did this but we wanted to undo it!"

Knuckles then said, "Like I believe you! Your just driving him away! You lied to me again Rouge! Sonic still hates me. You two only makes things even more bad than good. He's probably gonna blame me cause he may think I drugged him."

That's when Sonic came in casually 'looking at the two girls and ex-husband'. He casually said, "Excuse me, I came back cause I forgot my keys." He walked to the dresser and grabbed his keys with a 'blue shooting star key chain that Satoko made him for Father's Day when she was in 4'rth grade' on it.

Knuckles shouted for Sonic to wait. Sure enough he stopped.

Knuckles then said nervously, "Sonic I can explain..." Sonic interrupted, "I don't wanna hear it. Toying with my emotions? Making me think you were my dead wife? Drugging me? This is a new low. Even for you. I don't play around anymore."

Amy 'who felt the most bad' said as he rush to him, "Sonic listen we..." Sonic pushed her away and said angrily, "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU DEVIL!" He then said angrily, "I am deeply hateful towards you as much as I am with your bestie and my Ex-husband! In fact I can never forgive you after you killed my wife and tried to kill my youngest daughter! You stay from my daughters Amy! They told me that they saw you at the diner!" He then turn to Knuckles and said, "As for you, I'll never remarry you. You already had your chance for us to be together. I know you and Rouge are together still. Probably going to be married."

Knuckles shouted in tears as Sonic walked off and slams the door, "NO SONIC, ITS NOT TRUE!" Though suddenly Knuckles felt sick to his stomach and went to the bathroom and threw up.

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