Part 15

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Log 6,

October 27th, year 2027. I go to the library more often to research medication for Angel. They often accompany me to the library and read random books. They usually pick up a random book from the section across from mine and glaze over the words for an hour before making themselves a drink or snack and stare at me working. I've been a bit more delayed than I'd like, I tend to get very distracted when they start staring at me. I can't focus on my work when they watch me so intently.

Recently I've tried talking to them more when they start watching me. I've learned more about Angel when we have these short conversations. I feel like I've gotten more accustomed to their company and them following me around. I think I'm more comfortable around Angel now. They often end up listening to me ramble for an hour or two. I can't tell if they are genuinely curious or just bored, but either way it's nice to talk about what I'm interested in.

I like sharing these things with them. It's nice spending time with them and sharing our thoughts. It's comforting having someone around who wants to understand you. It feels warm when I'm by their side. Like I'm at peace.

I'll resume my research tonight so that maybe I can do something with Angel tomorrow.

End Log 6


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