Part 3

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                                                               TW: Mentions of suicide

September 17th, 2027


Day 1614

The more I feel like I can escape, the more pointless this journal seems. What's the point in writing here if I'm going to die soon anyway? But I think I have the plan figured out. If it can't control the living beings here, then I'll just have to use them. If it can't control the animals, then that means they are most likely still acting on natural instincts. I can't believe I was so oblivious before; I had been overthinking things all along. The plan is simple really, let the animals kill me.

Cut the bullcrap of "intentionally unintentionally getting hurt". I just need to find an aggressive wild animal. It may not be the ideal way to go but it's better than spending another year in this hell. If I could just find a bear or a wild cat or a venomous snake, I could be out of here. I'm going to head out in search of them.

The backup plan is that I get mauled and still get the pain relievers to OD. I already explored the east side of the state, so I'll leave and search the west. There might be animals who stayed by the zoos or in the mountains. It might take a week or two to prepare, pack, plan, and order supplies.

Interstate 10 is a straight shot west; it'll take me all the way to California. I should pack only the necessities and a basic survival kit, items like a flashlight, first aid kit, glow sticks, a knife, a map, chargers, etc.

I might really have a way out. I could actually be free and escape.

I can't hope much,


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