Part 6

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                                                      TW: Mentions of Suicide

October 5th, 2027

Set back & Discovery

Day 1631

A day ago, I encountered a bear in the supermarket. I thought I could escape this world, that I had found my way out, but I was wrong. I had awakened in a motel room. I was stitched up and bandaged but I still couldn't get out of the bed or move much.

However, I did find another human. They were the one who patched me up and tended to all my injuries. They don't seem to have any emotion at all. I think everything that has happened has taken a toll on their emotional health. Their name is Alex, and they are only a year older than I am. They are persistent in trying to take me to a hospital to treat my more severe injuries. I probably have broken ribs and internal bleeding or some other shit cause why the fuck not right? If given the chance the world would do anything to make the hand i was dealt even shittier.

I'm being treated like a fucking toddler being tolled around in a fucking wagon like a 4-year-old who's in time out. Its fucking ridiculous, not to mention this this unempathetic asshole who has no fucking common sense. They ask me why I'm upset that they saved me and why I would want to die like they haven't been stuck in the same goddamn hell for the past 4 FUCKING YEARS?!? No shit I'd want to die after being isolated for this long, I'd be insane to not be insane by now!

What's worse is I can't even argue about going to the hospital right now. My chest hurts like hell, and I can't breathe right, I'm pretty sure I have a concussion as well, I have the worst fucking headache and my vision is going a bit blurry. I should be happy to have someone else here but they're so numb and apathetic. It's like talking to a fucking robot, but I guess it's at least better than only having animals around.

I think they must've been a medical major or something. They look like they have some basic knowledge on the general equipment here. They have some pretty shitty bedside manner though, but whatever, as long as I get patched up at the end of it. They also seem to have no sense for personal space or boundaries, or just how to not creep the fuck out of someone? They've been staring at me the whole fucking time I've been writing this. I should have just bled out in the fucking grocery store.

Whatever, I'm going to sleep before I blow up at them.

Don't let me wake up tomorrow,


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