Part 10

7 0 0

October 21st, 2027


Day 1647,

Alex has been cooped up in the library for the past two days. They dont leave for food or to use the restroom. I wouldnt give a shit but ive been getting fucking cramps since last knight. It hurts like a bitch and they won't even do the one good thing they're good at which is the doctory shit. They are being fucking ridiculous.

I don't even have the energy to try to get in the library. Even yelling hurts right now. I might've tore a muscle. My appendix could even be bursting and this asshole is just locking themself in the goddamn library letting me suffer.

I'm going to sleep. I cant even give a fuck now. I just want to sleep and get my mind off this pain.

This is bullshit,


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