Part 1

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                                                TW: Mentions of drugs, alcohol, and suicide

August 26, 2027

Happy Fucking Birthday

Day 1592 since incident

My 19th birthday, I can't drink or do anything to take my mind off this hell of a world. You think with all this bullshit it wouldn't really matter, but who am I kidding? It's been 4 years and I still don't get these rules. After a while you just go with the flow, I guess. I suppose it's about that time of year, the recap, I mean I have all the time in the world, don't I? Four years ago, on April 2nd, 2023, 9:52pm, I became the last person on earth.

It happened without any warning, no flash of light or a big sound, no sign at all. One minute, I'm in the bathroom getting ready and the next minute the house is empty. A regular Sunday night, getting ready for school, or studying for finals, it all just stopped. Well for the most part, I guess.

What I meant when I said I still don't get the rules is, I'm the last person here but everything is functioning. The water is still running, gas is working, internet, TV, even new shows keep releasing. But there are no people. Houses are empty, streets, stores, entire countries are abandoned. The rules don't make sense either. I don't have to pay for anything in stores and online. Yup, I can still order things online. How do they get here? I have no clue. How are they made? Don't know that either. All I know is that I place the order and the next morning the package is at the doorstep.

At first, I panicked. I mean what was the right reaction to this situation? I went to say good night to my mom and all of a sudden, she wasn't there, and neither were my siblings. Her phone is still on her nightstand, their consoles still on midgame, but they themselves. Vanished.

If you put an anxiety ridden, depressed, 15-year-old highschooler in a situation like this, it seems only right to have a breakdown. I tried calling my dad who lived in another city, and it went straight to voicemail, same with the rest of my family and friends. 9-1-1 was out of service as well as any other business phone services.

I went across the street to the neighbor's houses and all of them turned up empty. I thought it was a dream, pinched myself to try to wake up, even went to desperate measures. But it's like my surroundings knew my intentions behind every move. I went to try to open the knife drawer, but it was locked. I tried to go to a roof only to find the doors locked, every rope was too short. Every store was out of bullets and every gun and pill bottle cap was jammed. I still can't escape from this hell.

For some reason there are these unsaid rules that seem to be followed no matter what. The majority being basic laws, even ones that seem trivial, no driving till 16, no drinking as well as smoking till 21, no illegal substances in a state unless its legal, such as weed. However, there were other rules as well, suicide is not an option, no harming the animals, packages will only be delivered while I'm asleep or away from the house, stores are only restocked on certain days as well as when I'm not present, any food or item I need is already prepared when I walk into the building. It's unsettling. It's as if someone is inside your head and always knows what you're going to do or want. I'm all alone but I'm being watched, and every move is observed.

The first couple of months, every vehicle was locked, and every gas station pump was out. But once I turned 16, they weren't. I eventually started to wander outside of my home area. At first it was to another part of the city, then to close by cities, states, and even countries. When driving, the gas stations always had gas available as well as running water and electricity.

The more confusing part was going to other countries. The first time it was unsettling, I didn't even mean to leave on purpose. I tried to look around the airport and while exploring, I got on a plane and sat down when the doors shut, and the engine turned on. Next thing I knew, I was in the air. The cockpit, as I would expect, was locked and I couldn't open the door, but the drinks and snacks were all stocked. I spiraled and started panicking, once the plane landed, I tried to find where I was. It wasn't too difficult however as there were several souvenir shops with plenty of Canadian flags. Once I noticed the airport signs working, I found the next plane back to my city and was in the air once more. I only ever flew one time after that which was last year. I went to Europe, where I learned the rules change to fit the country.

If I tried driving on the right side of the road, the car would stall and break down or stop working all together. However, I could drink alcohol which had surprised me at first. I eventually drove around the continent for two months looking for someone else, but the world was still empty. I boarded a flight home and have mainly just stayed inside. Going outside is unsettling so I only do it when needed. Despite being the last human, I am not the last being. There are still many animals and if anything, there are more of them every day. Another rule that seems to exist is that the majority of domesticated animals stay in the houses they originally lived in, that or they miss their original owners. They never seem to go hungry which leads me to believe their food and water bowls get refilled every day.

Living in a world like this makes me begin to question the existence of things. Is the rest of the world only functioning when I'm in that area? And the main question is who is running everything?

I survived another day,


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